Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Repeal DADT

Don't ask don't tell is a way of the govt sticking it's fingers in it's ears, closing it's eyes and pretending that if we don't talk about it, it doesn't exist. It was a compromise between not allowing them, and protecting them from harm due to years of teaching intolerance and "false masculinity" to our military.

People will defend DADT because they say that it will keep the gay soldiers safe. Bullshit. As long as there is homophobia, and a breeding ground of hatred and intolerance in our military...they are in danger.

Our military capitalizes on the most basic human emotions and fears...hate, anger, defensiveness, aggression, power. You combine all of that...then you throw a homosexual into the mix...where there are men and women who have been taught to thrive on their most basic inhuman instincts..and VOILA a recipe for disaster.

So, the problem is not how we mandate or not what sexual orientation is allowed to be is about educating people about what homosexuals are and what they contribute to our society. They are no different than anyone else...and the fact that I even need to say that is pathetic. That we even have to TEACH adults that who you fuck and love is irrelevent to whether or not you can defend your country is ridiculous.

Our society has to change it's perception of homosexuality before homosexuals can be safe and welcome in our military.

Right now, there is discussion about showers. OMG how childish. When people shower in groups...EVERYONE LOOKS AT EACH OTHER. So you are saying that the sexual orientation on the person looking at you is WORSE than you looking at the guy next to you, and being pleased that your dick is bigger? hahahah would be just awful to have a gay man see you naked and think you are attractive than to have the rest of the guys calling you "pinky" for the rest of your tour.

Group showers are stopping us from openly accepting gays into the military????? Listen to yourselves. Seriously..if you are that afraid of someone looking at you...maybe you shouldn't join the military..after all, you know that going in.

Women and men showering together is unacceptable due to numbers. The % of straights is higher than that of gays. The % is higher of men as opposed to women in the military. This creates a "dominant" group....straight males. Generally, men are more physically powerful than a group with only a few women to protect each other..this could be disasterous. This is where DADT SUPPOSEDLY protects gays...if the other men don't doesn't endanger the gay man? NOPE! It just forces the gay man to lie and pretend that he is one of them...what does that have to do with showers??? It has to do with the fears and insecurities and misinformation given to our young men and wome..and DADT allwos and breeds it.

Why does genitalia determine comradery??? Men showering..shitting...bleeding...suffering together bonds them...right? let man and women shower together...there will be ALL KINDS OF BONDING! hahahha

Sorry....genders separate....sexuality means nothing....EDUCATE EDUCATE EDUCATE!!!!!! Pull your heads out of your asses and stop thinking that every gay man wants to fuck you in your ass. I highly doubt that they find a one toothed hillbilly who can't pronounce his own name an object of desire.

Repeal DADT.

Educate our society....treat them equally....allow them the same privledges that we have...and realize that the worst of a group does NOT define the whole group.

Until that is dangerous for gays to be open in the military...and that is their choice whether or not to accept that danger...and OUR RESPONSIBILTY to demand that ANY soldier who is harmed or killed intentionally by another soldier is brought to justice under our laws.

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