Saturday, September 26, 2009

Do you feel lucky?

I stumbled upon this little treasure while checking my homepage news. It came up in the form of an advertisement. I have ranted on, all too often, about the scam that is the pharmaceutical industry, and here again, is another shining example of the staggering ignorance of the American consumer.

I want you to read that entire insert warning, and by the way, it is NOT the entire warning label, you can open a link on the ad to find the rest. I didn’t feel the need to read any more, it is pretty clear with the information already provided. Did you read it? Did you find any possible contradictions, or red flags that MAYBE, just maybe, this isn’t the best idea?

So, here is what I am thinking. This is an advertisement. It’s purpose is to entice you to visit your physician, and request the drug. Now, let’s say that you missed the whole list of dangers, and you missed the warnings of heightened suicidal thoughts, then you skimmed over the caution to not take this drug if PRETTY MUCH anything else is wrong with you. By the way, you can’t even take aspirin while taking this drug. Now, you walk into your doctor’s office, and tell him that you are “depressed”. He says, “What seems to be the problem?” You drone on endlessly about the horrid conditions of your life. These conditions are, of course, the same things that everyone else deals with, but you just want that magic pill to make it all better. Then you tell him that you are having trouble sleeping, and you are entertaining thoughts of suicide. Now, at this point, he is running behind on his next appointment. We have all had this happen, he looks at his watch and closes your file. It’s prescription time! He half heartedly suggests that you seek another professional’s assistance, and gives you the name of his fraternity brother who just happens to be a psychiatrist.

He doesn’t stop there. He also gives you a prescription for your new “happy pill”. He has read your file, and he sees that you are not taking any medications that should interfere with the prescription that he just gave you, at least you hope that he has. You toddle off to the pharmacy with a new found spring in your step. Finally, you are going to be able to lift that weight off of your shoulders and feel good again. You hand your treasured little piece of white paper, that holds the key to your new life, over to the pharmacy technician. That’s right, I said “technician”, not pharmacist. She tells you that it will be a 20 minute wait. So, you wait. When they finally call your name, it is like angels singing. You walk up, and she asks you if you have any questions for the pharmacist. You think to yourself, “Why would I need that? My doctor gave it to me, it should be fine!” So, you say, “no”.

Here is where you need to stop, and think. Read the damn insert, people! Does it, in any way, suggest that this pill is going to fix the misery that is your life??? NO! This is a drug for someone who has been extensively tested, and found to be someone whose brain is misfiring, and needs a tune-up! This is NOT for someone who just has a crappy life because of stupid decisions and family members that suck the life out of you! So, why the hell are they advertising it to YOU? Good question. I would also like to know that answer. I think that you are smart enough to figure out WHY a big business would target the general consumer with something that clearly states that it is, not only dangerous, but can HEIGHTEN the very feelings that you are trying to repress. MONEY! Do you really think that big pharm. Cares about whether or not you want to eat the end of a rifle? Nope, they care about their bottom line. The more people that they can gather up to go into their doctor’s office and request it, the better for them. They KNOW the risks. They KNOW approximately how many people they can kill. They KNOW that it will lie squarely on the doctor’s shoulders, up to a certain amount of injury or death. They KNOW what the risks are to their consumers AND their bottom line. They take that risk, and shovel it down our throats. YES, they have risk assessment professionals that will tell them how many people can die! They weigh the profits against the losses through lawsuits, and when the profits outweigh the losses, they market it. The risks are low enough, that the FDA pushes it through, and the next thing you know, YOU are the one playing Russian roulette.

Now, back to the warning label. This lovely little piece of paper that you don’t read, and throw in the trash is their insurance policy. It is their “disclaimer”. It is their protection, NOT YOURS! Now use some damn common sense, please. If you are taking a pill because you have feelings of killing yourself, and the warning label tells you that it can increase those feelings, I have to ask you, do you feel lucky today?

Saturday, September 19, 2009


Why don’t people ever just say what they mean? We teach our children not to lie, but what we are actually saying is, “just lie when it is a NICE lie.” If we are going to be honest, then just do it already.

I was in an elevator the other day, and a pompous ass backed up like he didn’t see me when he got on the freakin thing in the first place, and stepped on my foot. He didn’t even bother to turn around when he mumbled a half hearted, disingenuous “uh, sorry”. Now sir, if you are reading this, I would have been perfectly fine if you had just said what you thought, which was, “how dare you insignificant cretin be standing in the way of where I need to stand, after all, I am me, Dr. Whatever, and I have more value than you.” You see? Then I could have responded with, “Your cologne is gagging me, please move forward.”

Frankly, this whole thing is an enigma to me. How many times have we all done the same things? You are in the grocery store, or at the bank, or porn store, whatever, and you see someone that you haven’t seen for years. I bet there is a reason why you haven’t seen them. Nine times out of ten, it is due to the fact that you no longer had the desire to do so. So why in the hell do we say “oh, hello, it is so good to see you again!” (insert forced excitement at the word “so”) Listen, neither one of you want to say it. You both want to just pretend like you didn’t see the other person. So, if you are just compelled to say something due to the awkward nature of the situation, tell the truth. Try this, “Oh shit. I thought that I would never see you again, and frankly, I was unprepared for seeing you now. I am not going to hug you with the phoney pat on the back. I am just going to walk away and spare us both the phone call to our friends later just to say, ‘ugh, guess who I ran into today.’” Now, doesn’t that sound better? Then you can still call your friends and describe the look on the other person’s face. Trust me, that is a much more entertaining call to make.

If you get your hair cut and change the color, and your friend says, “Oh, you cut your hair? I love the color, it compliments your skin tones.” Well, that means to look like shit. When they notice your haircut and state it in the form of a question, that is their way of avoiding the statement that they actually want to make, and that is, “What the hell were you thinking, as if you didn’t look old enough with that wispy, mousy, out dated hair-do that you had before, now you look like my grandmother did when they laid her out for her viewing.” Then when they compliment your “skin tone”, trust me, they wouldn’t know a complimentary skin tone if their lives depended on it. I know this because of the multitude of women running around with the wrong color foundation on their faces. It is just something that they say because they heard someone else say it, and you really can’t question it because YOU don’t know what the hell a complimentary skin tone is. Try this, “How much did you pay for THAT? You should get your money back, and I really hope that you didn’t tip the stylist. Please don’t ever do that again, on occasion I have to be seen in public with you, and then I look like an ass for not telling my friend that they look awful.” She may cry. But really, you are saving her the embarrassment of hearing it from her mother-in-law.

Now that is a truthful creature right there, the mother-in-law. I have come to the conclusion that is the reason that so many people love to hate their in-laws. There is a profound truth that is carried within the separation of an in-law. By separation, I mean that they can re-direct their short-comings, as a parent by pointing out the failures of yours. The sad thing is that most of the time, they are right. So, the next time your mother-in-law asks you why you don’t visit more, instead of telling her that you are too busy, or the kids are sick, try this, “If you would ever just enjoy our company, and the company of your grandchildren WITHOUT your constant reminders that you did a better job with your kids than I am doing with mine, maybe we would visit more. Oh, and by the way, I talked to grandma *insert her in-laws last name here* and she says the same about you.” It may cause some strain at the next holiday function, but hey, the other in laws will secretly love you more, I promise.

So you are thinking that I am just trying to stir up some shit, huh? Nope. I am telling you that we have convinced ourselves, as a society that to be “polite” is ALWAYS the best policy. It isn’t. It promotes bad behavior. You perpetuate it every time you tell one of those “harmless little lies”. This all feeds into my “some people just suck” theory. If they can’t hear the truth, and feel that they maybe should modify their behavior accordingly, well then, they are just people who suck. We need to know who they are! Since tattooing them with “I SUCK” isn’t a viable option, then we just have to sort it out for ourselves on an individual level. The only way to do that is with the truth. The truth reveals so much about a person, whether it be good or bad. I firmly believe that relationships, friendships and family would be a more appropriately matched if it is based on the truth. Try it.

The next time a lady rams into you with her cart in the grocery store, even though she clearly saw you there, and says “excuse me.”, then just say, “no, you ignorant, self absorbed jerk! I bet you park in the fire lane, and handicapped spots because you just have to ‘run in for a minute’, don’t you??? I will NOT excuse you, because you saw me, and ran into me anyway. Go around me, and watch out for someone else who doesn’t care that you are in their way.” At least she will shut up for a minute, and the rest of the day, she will think twice about parking in the handicapped spot.
Suburban Hell

I find myself in a world unfit for those possessing even the most remote amount of sanity. I live in suburban hell. Now, I am an atheist, so really hell doesn’t even exist for me. Yet, I can’t help but ponder the idea that hell is very real, and that just possibly, I live in it. This has become quite a dilemma for me. So, I decided to do some research. I bypassed all of the things that promote rational thought, and went straight to the bible. This book poses quite a little problem, all in itself. But, I digress.

I skimmed past the story about the naked couple that ate ribs and fruit. Then there was some nonsense about a guy and a big dingy with pairs of animals crammed into it. Then I scrolled through the mundane tales of everything that is pure common sense, you know, like the lesson about not killing your brother, or fornicating with a goat. All very useful information, however, as it turns out, I was in the wrong damn book. That was a complete waste of twenty minutes of my life, that I will never get back. As it turns out, they wrote another book. That would have been useful information as a footnote in the first one.

Now, I have finally found what I am looking for. I scroll through the pages with the same open minded objectivity given by those who believe in it. This is what I found. Apparently, there was an angel that ticked God off. So, being the all forgiving God that he is, he kicked his ass out of Heaven. I suppose the angel got upset about it, and took it upon himself to singlehandedly take down anyone who dared to not take his side in the argument. It all seemed very petty, to me. But, who am I to judge, that job has already been taken and I am pretty sure that I don’t want to end up like that angel guy. So now, we have a choice, God, or the pissed off angel. I choose none of the above, the way that I look at it, I am screwed either way. Hell, apparently is full of fire and brimstone. Heaven is full of happiness and clouds. I am afraid of heights, and fire hurts. I have decided to keep my options open, just in case another option arises.

I have to say that the information that I found very much suited my theory. I would like you to indulge me for just another four, or five hundred paragraphs. Hell is described in the following way, as you already know, the head of this place is a vindictive, spiteful creature who got very upset because of a lost argument. This creature, the Devil, has many mignions who do his bidding. Basically, they are just very rude and don’t understand personal boundaries. I know this because of the whole “possession thing”. I also found that he is a very efficient multi-tasker. Did you know that the Devil can command his minions, fight with God, travel at the speed of light, create war, death, destruction, poverty, lust, create wealth, destroy wealth, keep the fires burning in hell, and still have time to have sex, and create a child. That is impressive. Here is another side note, once you visit the Devil, you can’t leave. Ever.

Let us get back to suburbia for just a moment. I will describe it for you, in great detail, and see if you can make the connection. A suburb is made up of people who want “more” than the city can offer. Within suburbs, you will find even smaller gatherings of mignions, they exist in what is referred to as “housing developments”. Once you enter a housing development, you can never leave. I mean that literally. Have you ever tried to find your way out of a housing plan that has all of the streets named after trees? I have, it isn’t pretty. So, while you are lost in the development, you decide that since you can’t leave, you might as well move in. Welcome to suburban hell. There is always a head of the development. I will refer to her as the Devil. She is otherwise known as the president of the civic association. Now, this devil commands her mignions with blinding efficiency. Housewives dutifully invading everyone’s privacy. Their methods are really quite slick. It all begins with the lowranking minion bringing you a casserole. I will refer to that as the ribs, and apples. Soon following that, you will have their children knocking at your door selling everything from cookies to magazines. Like a fool, you buy them, thus depleting your wealth. Now it is time for the neighborhood fundraiser, so upon the visit of another loyal follower, you agree to volunteer, thus creating wealth. At this point, you are trapped. They have fooled you into accepting their ways, and the next thing you know, you are hosting a candle party. After all, we must keep the fires of hell burning. I am going to stop and ask you a question. Did you know that suburban housewives have sex toy parties? Neither did I, until now. It all sounds a bit, I don’t know, lustful, maybe?

So, I decide to attend this gathering, purely for the research aspect of my theory, and wouldn’t you know, there was more evidence to be found. The party is never held within walking distance of your home. You always have to get in your car, and drive there because they choose the house furthest from convenience. On my way there, I was almost sideswiped by the devil in her rush to get her child home from cheerleading practice. Have you ever seen how fast suburbanites drive? Literally, at the speed of light. I find it curious that the devil is absent from our little suarre. I was informed that she was unable to attend due to a death in the family. I always knew that she wasn’t fond of her mother-in-law. It turns out that the poor old woman mysteriously had her pills mixed up, and her son and daughter-in-law inherited a fortune when she died. Oh well, some folks have all the luck.

Returning to the party now, I learned that someone had made a mistake with the invitation list. I found this puzzling, because my invitation was signed by the devil herself. But I am sure that it was purely an oversight that the woman who was sleeping with her neighbor’s husband was invited to the party hosted by the wife of the man she was sleeping with. Well, as you can imagine, a war was begun. The entire party was ruined and I never had the opportunity to purchase the penis shaped ice cube tray. I was very disappointed. I went home that night, and I had an epiphany. It dawned on me that ever since the devil’s divorce, she seemed a bit vindictive, and angry. The connection became clear. I sat straight up, grasped my heart in despair, and realized that I was trapped in suburban hell.

There is a moral to this story folks, now pay close attention. When you feel the temptation to enter the land of perfectly manicured lawns, when you see the quaint little homes all in a row, when you see the children gleefully playing in the well nestled cul de sac, there is something that I would like you to remember. It may appear to be beautiful. It may appear to have all of the charms of peace and happiness. I have seen the depiction of an angel. I imagine that you have seen the same. Remember, things are not always as they appear, after all, it was one pissed off angel that started this mess in the first place. If you do not heed my warning, do not look for support from me when you are trapped in suburban Hell.
Revenge Is A Dish Best Served Cold

Revenge is a dish best served cold. What an incredible powerful statement. What does it really mean? What is revenge? Does that word really carry the negative connotation that it has become accepted as? When one seeks revenge, do we not see it within the context of the action? Here is a story that begs to be shared, is it revenge?
Dear “Dad”,
I am writing this letter now because it is the thirteenth anniversary of my father’s death. Every year at this time, I am overwhelmed by sadness, regret and anger. This moment is long overdue. David James was my father. He died November 16, 1993 of suicide. He ran the exhaust into his old Chevy hatchback while he sat quietly parked in his own back yard. He died peacefully of carbon monoxide poisoning. He was survived by two daughters. Their names are Robin, and Melissa. He also fathered two sons, and their names are David and John. Melissa was only 15 years old at the time of his death, and John was just a baby, at 4 years old. The day that I buried my father, it was cold and raining. I remember watching John place his toy trucks at the head of his grave with tears streaming down his innocent face.

I had so many questions that I wanted to ask him. I will never have that opportunity. He never got the chance to see his grandsons, and they will never know their real grandfather. The things that I remember about him are his smile, his laugh and his incredible sense of humor. He had a gift of making people laugh, even when they didn’t want to. He never made excuses for his life, or his mistakes. My father’s life was long even though he only lived to see his 40th birthday. His choices landed him in prison several times, and he was at times completely consumed by drugs, alcohol, and women. He was adopted at a very young age by a couple who tried to love him despite his explosive temper that developed as a teenager. They did not have the skills or community support to guide their son through life. I have heard many stories of my father’s life and wondered how much the loss of two of his children had an impact on his choices.
I saw my father the night before he died. This moment is one that would change my life forever. I went to visit him in his barely inhabitable home in the heart of Garfield. I saw immediately that he had been drinking, which is a violation of his probation. He looked so sad and utterly exhausted. He asked me to come and sit on his lap. I snarled at him, and told him that he was going to go back to prison. I just couldn’t understand why he wouldn’t change, even for me. He insisted again that I came and sit on his lap. I rolled my eyes, and walked over to him, and sat with him. He looked at me through his thick, tinted, broken glasses and said, “Baby girl, don’t do with your life what I have done with mine. I love you.” I regret this next moment with all of my heart. I told him that I would never end up a drunk like him, and told him to sober up before he called me again. He was dead the next day.

Now, at thirty three years old, I finally understand. He knew that the choices that he made in his life had made him what he was. He was warning me about the dangers of poor choices and telling me that sometimes, we just run out of tomorrows. I learned the most valuable lessons in life from a man that society would have deemed a waste. He was my father, and his memory deserves respect. His life and death taught me more than any sheltered suburban family ever could.

Imagine how much we may have been able to learn from each other is it wasn’t stolen from us. I am HIS daughter, in my heart, mind and soul. You said once, when I was young, that I was like a wild horse, and that they are the most loyal when broken. How did that work out for you? My father didn’t have to break me in order to earn my loyalty, he just had to love me. He accomplished in a fraction of the time what you had a lifetime to teach. My father’s legacy ends with broken homes, three wives, and a criminal history, but it was real.

I have seen your legacy. You have passed closet alcoholism, disrespect of your wife, close minded bigotry, intolerance, and arrogance. The amazing thing, is that you were able to pass them along without ever having been home. I can only imagine what the people at the bar, bowling alley, flight club, and golf course were able to learn from you. Maybe I am giving credit to the wrong person. Maybe the credit for your accomplishments should go to your other half. After all, I credit her for so many things in my life. Allow me to give you a few examples. I credit her for my fear of being loved, the constant questioning of my abilities, my poor self image, and most of all, the emptiness in my soul where a mother’s love should be. This brings me to another introduction.

Veronica Lynn is my mother. I am sure that you remember her. She was that child that you put on the stand in a courtroom decades ago. The child that you saw then still lives in my mother today. Her family consists of a long line of women who, in one way or another, betrayed or abandoned their children. For years, through your wife’s teachings, I believed that my mother was not any different than them. I was wrong. Sir, I have the transcripts from my adoption. You, your wife, my maternal grandmother, and a gaggle of unethical attorneys stole her one hope at a normal life. You stole that hope from young woman who stood on the brink of a breakdown. As a result of yours, and their actions, that young woman has turned into a mentally unstable hypochondriac. She abuses drugs and alcohol, and is void of the social skills necessary to function in life. The irony is that she now resembles the woman that I was forced to call Mom for sixteen years.

I was born to an alcoholic father and mentally unstable mother, and I was stolen by the exact same people. The one difference was age. My parents were still young and possibly, with the proper guidance and support, could have been more than they became, especially my father. You, and your wife through arrogance and selfishness that had been well established in you by then, stole something that did not belong to you. You have always justified your actions by asking things like, “where would you have ended up if we had left you there?” You have tried to convince me that you gave me more than they ever could have. Then your arrogance told you that you were more qualified than they to raise me. Who gave you that right? Sir, you were never able to steal me from the feeling that I did not belong with you. You cannot force a child to love you with guilt, shame and manipulation. Let me solve the mystery of how to “break me” and make me into “one of yours”. The only thing that you ever had to do was respect where I came from, understand that I was different from your children, and most of all love me in spite of where I came from. You, and your family are incapable of these things because your intentions were reprehensible from the very beginning.

I heard from your wife for years that you had “paid enough for me already.” You paid monetarily, but your cost was nothing in comparison to the cost that you created for my father, mother, brother and myself. You stole my soul. I have held inside of me secrets and pain that I will now share with you. It is time for me to empty the garbage that is piled up inside of me, and reclaim my soul. So, sit back and grab a beer or a Bloody Mary and see if you can stomach this information. Please forgive me if I lose a time frame for reference, I cannot always remember my age at the time of the events.

The earliest memory that I can recall was meeting your mother. I was terrified. I felt out of place, confused and as if I were a new toy being shown off. I wanted to run away and go home, if only I could remember where home was. No one cared about or even noticed the pain that I was feeling. It all seemed to swirl around me as if I were having a dream. I cried myself to sleep that night in a room that did not feel like my own. That was the first night of silent tears, and would be followed by many more.

I remember first grade, I was in Mrs. Rhule’s class. I went to school one day with such severe pain in my ear that the sound of her voice and the ringing of the bell cut through my head with a force that made me cry. The teacher asked me if I would like her to call my mother, and I hesitated and then said “yes”. I hesitated because I had informed your wife that morning of the pain in my ear and she told me that I was simply trying to get attention. She then told me to go to school, and that she had better not get a phone call. I was scared for her to call your wife because I knew that she would hit me when I got home. Thankfully your wife was not home when she called. I came home, and said nothing. I simply ate my dinner and then went to my room and fell asleep. When I awaked the next morning, I was in even more pain than the previous day. This time the teacher called right away. I couldn’t hide it from her, the pain was too unbearable and I kept my hand over my ear to muffle the sound. Your wife came to the school while I waited in the nurses’ office. She seemed kind, and concerned while we were in the school. Then when I sat in the passenger seat of the car, I felt a sudden blow to the back of my head that shot searing pain through my ear. I don’t remember what she said, I just remember the pain. When we saw the doctor, he gave us drops for my ear, and I remember him telling your wife that my eardrum almost ruptured. He was an Indian doctor with lollipops in his pocket. I wanted so badly to go home with him. He was so kind and gentle, and seemed to know how much I hurt.

Those drops turned out to be penicillin. It turns out that I am allergic to penicillin. Do you remember? I would guess that you do not, you most likely were not home. Do you remember Veronica Lynn? She knew that I was allergic to penicillin because it had been given to me when I was with her. I wonder if during the theft of her child, if anyone ever bothered to ask those questions. If I had to play that scenario over again with my real mother, I can imagine that she may not have had the money to take me to that nice pediatrician, but I would be willing to bet that she would not have hit me and let him give me penicillin. By the way, I had many ear infections over the years to follow and your wife kept that bottle on penicillin as a reminder for me to not complain about it.

This was just the first of many of these moments yet to come. The neighbors who lived across the street from us took care of me when I had a stomach virus. The school called your wife, and again she was unreachable. This was amazing to me, considering that she never worked a day in my life. I got in trouble again, and shut in my room for two days with only water. She would open the door when you came home, but I knew not to come out and say anything. My woodshop teacher sent me to the nurse when he became aware of my shoes being untied. Do you know why they were untied? My right foot was so swollen and purple from an allergic reaction to a bee sting from the previous day, that I could not tie my shoe. I was yet again, met with a punch to the head. She then told me that she hoped that the doctor would poke me so full of holes that they could use me for a spaghetti strainer.
Each of these incidents, among many others, culminated my senior year of highschool when I was injured during a track meet. Your wife told the coach that I was faking it and not to allow me to pull the wool over his eyes. He listened to her, and my fear of her, and the repercussions of what would happen if I told the truth about my pain forced me to continue running. That injury being left untreated ended my future as a runner. I had been offered a scholarship to a good university after an invitational the month prior to my injury. I never told you about it because, at the time, I thought that I wanted it to be a surprise. Now I realize that it was more a fear of her doing something to ruin it. Isn’t life full of cruel irony?

OK, so that was the easy stuff. Are you warmed up? I have to tell you that, as a child, I thought that your girlfriend at the flying club was very pretty. The bartender was very beautiful also. I know about these women because your wife took me along when she would spy on you. I remember how I hoped that you would leave her for one of those women, so that I would not have to go through this anymore. She told me that you slept in separate bedrooms because you had sex with other women. You see, she used me as her friend when it was convenient for her. I was her thief, her messenger, and her partner in crime. I would do anything that she asked me to in the hopes of winning her love. She would use me for the purpose of being someone to blame it on when she got caught. These were building blocks for one more important mission that took place much later, all of which I took the blame for.

She would have me go through your desk looking for various things. I would find letters to your girlfriends, medications or whatever she was looking for at the time. She would tell me that I could get away with it because if you asked who went through your desk, she would tell you that I did it but she would not let you punish me. It was on one of these little adventures that I found the letter that you wrote to my sister when she was in college. I could not determine what the letter was intended to express at the time, but I was very afraid that you were going to kill yourself. Your wife confirmed that concern by sitting me down and telling me that your father had committed suicide and that your mother had attempted it several times. I became terrified that you were going to die. She told me that she would take care of the letter. I was also told to behave myself and not do anything to upset you. Then the best part of her game was to tell me that if I did not keep her secrets, that you would kill yourself and it would be all my fault. She maintained that control over me for years.

It worked fairly well until one day you beat me so badly that I landed in the guidance office at school the next day. I had bruises all over my face and choke marks on my neck. My teacher sent me to the guidance office and the counselor demanded that I tell him what happened to me. I kept your secret then, but you can have it back now. It was at that moment that I was freed of your psychosis. I wonder if you remember that day. Let me refresh your memory. I dropped a class to take an additional art class. Your wife lied and told you that I had been kicked out of the other class. You asked me to tell you the truth and when I did, you became enraged. You threw me down on the bed and began to strike me. I can still see her standing there with her arms folded appearing pleased with what was happening. You held me by my throat and demanded the truth, I couldn’t speak but even if I was able I would have begged you to listen to me, and to call the school. You were a crazed madman, and just continued to hit me on my face and choke me. I can’t begin to tell you how frightened I was. I did not feel the pain until the next day. My throat hurt too much to even speak, and my right eye was blurry for days. You did not come home for two days. I assume that it was because you could not face what you had done. Well, you can face it now! You tried to create fear in me, and you succeeded. Unfortunately, the fear was only of you. That fear only lasted for a short while. I realized that you knew that it better never happen again because next time I may not keep your secret. I am lucky that your image was more important than your need to inflict physical pain. Emotional pain doesn’t leave marks.

Now may be a good time to let you know that my artistic ability comes from my mother. I doubt that she would have allowed me to be beaten for having been accepted into an advanced placement art class. Oh, that is right, I may not have been able to attend that class had I lived with her, right? Well, let me ask you this, what good did it do me when I was not able to follow my dream to attend college to grow my talent? You and your wife always reminded me that you had “paid enough for me already”. This has always begged the question, how much did you pay for me, and who was it paid to?

Do you remember when your wife broke her wrist punching the freezer door? That isn’t exactly true, unless my head had taken on the shape of a freezer door. That’s right, she broke it punching me in the head. She was always good for hitting me there. I can only assume that it was an act of cowardice. She told me that she was saving me the embarrassment of the truth by lying about how she did it. I told her that it didn’t matter to me because it was her embarrassment, not mine. By this point, I was beginning to have enough of this.

Despite all of this, I still hoped that one day, your family would love me so I tried so hard to fit in. I just couldn’t do it. I continued to give your wife chance after chance. Each time I was met with heartache and disappointment. I was reminded over and over again how much I didn’t belong. I don’t know exactly what it was, it could possibly be the vile names that I was called my entire life. You may remember some of them. Does this list ring a bell? I was a whore, a slut, a tramp, a piece of garbage and my favorite came from each one of you “you were not only a mistake once, you were a mistake twice”.

Well “Dad”, I have saved the best for last. I hope you enjoy hearing it as much as I enjoyed living it. I refused to see your mother when she was dying in the hospital because she was a child molester. Yes, I saw her. She repeatedly molested your nephews. I saw her do it. I informed your wife, and she told me not to tell anyone because you would kill yourself, so I have carried that inside of me for too long. I watched her sleep naked with those young boys. I saw her rubbing their genitals with Vaseline for long periods of time, until the boys began to cry. I know what she did to them, so I can only assume that she did it to you and your brother, as well. That would explain much of your behavior, but it will never excuse it.

When your mother’s boyfriend died, I became concerned when your wife called me and told me that she was acting weird. I asked her what she meant, and she said that she seemed depressed and was talking a lot about the boys being with her forever. She asked me to call the school and inform them of what I had seen and that the boys may be in danger. She told me that it would be a secret between her and I. Well, as you know, that was not the case. She immediately told everyone who made that call. I am telling you now that what I saw and what I know is real. Your mother should have gone to prison for what she had done. She died peacefully in a hospital room and she should have died alone in a cell.

I know that you have suppressed those memories deep in your mind, and I am here to bring them all out for you. I have carried your pain and my own for too long now. I have flashbacks of my life often. They are painful and grasp my heart so forcefully that it takes my breath away. It is time for those memories to grasp your heart and set mine free.

My sons will never know the pain that you and your family has caused me. Your great legacy dies with me. I will raise my sons to be good men and loving fathers. My hopes are that one of them will grow up to be a man that puts people like you, your wife, and your mother behind bars where you belong. I hope that you realize that prison is where you belong, and that you should be thankful everyday for your freedom. Know this, “Dad” true freedom will only come to you when you close your eyes for that last time.

For several years now, I have tried to rationalize what happened to me. I have tried to define who I am and what will heal me. I know that I have to forgive you for what you have done in order for me to begin a new day. Today is not that day. Today is the day where I give you back everything that you gave to me. You live with this pain. You live with this weight and burden in your heart. Today, I give it all to you. I may forgive you tomorrow, I may not.

Today I am standing up to you. I am standing up for my father, my mother, and my brothers and sister. I will never again allow you or your family to affect one more moment in my life. I will survive it every time I look into my son’s eyes and I know that they will never know that pain. I will survive when I see my father in their eyes, and in their smiles. I hope that for your sake, you can accept responsibility for your actions, or lack thereof, and your choices. I challenge you, can you be as big a man as my father was?

This was the story of my life. This was not a random story with no substance and just a moral at the end. I never mailed this letter, but have held it close to my heart like steady pressure on an open wound. I have asked myself many times if this was a form of revenge or one of healing. I have found it to be both. I also have come to the realization that the only way to truly heal is to share this letter not only with who it was intended, but with anyone else who feels that healing is revenge. I am not wielding a weapon, or clenching a fist. I am sharing my life and the process that I have been through in the hopes that more can feel peace. When we carry pain and take inside of ourselves the torment of others, we die inside. I refuse to die, and if this is revenge, then revenge can heal. You decide. I find that revenge is a dish best served heaping and warm. Welcome to dinner.
A Letter To My Father

Dear Dad,
You will never read this letter for it has been fifteen years since you departed this earth. I have been asked many times, ‘If you had one thing in your life that you could go back and change, what would it be?’ My response comes without hesitation. I would go back to that last moment when our eyes met. Yours were filled with love, and sadness. Mine were filled with anger and resentment. I have your eyes, Dad. I wonder if you ever noticed how much of you lived inside of me.
I ponder so many questions that you held the answers to. I never had the chance to ask. So, I will take the time now to seek those answers. I have three sons now, Dad. The day of each of their births, I looked into their eyes, and I saw you. I wondered if they carried a message from you. I sobbed violently wishing that you were there to see them. I want to know now, when I was born, and you looked into my eyes, what did you see? Were there questions that you wanted to ask me? You didn’t ask, did you? Why?
When my eyes met with my son’s, a love was born that could never be stolen. I made a promise to my son right at that very moment, to never allow what was done to me to be done to him. He is my son, my life, my reason for everything that I do. Dad, you broke your promise. When you left Mom, and allowed your children to be stolen from her, you betrayed me. My life was filled with pain, because you never looked into my eyes and asked the question that every mother and father should ask. “What did I do to deserve this amazing gift, my child?” The answer is in your child’s eyes. It is so clear, if you had bothered to look. The answer was “I love you, Daddy.” You had inside of you a capacity to love beyond yourself.
Dad, I had to look into the eyes of a man who beat me and search for the love that you were supposed to give. I want to know why. What happened to you that robbed you of the ability to love your own child enough to fight? You took those answers with you. I asked those questions a million times in my life, before I knew you. Dad, how was I supposed to ask a lifetime of questions in six months? Why did you deny me those answers? I spent eighteen years dreaming of you, and imagining the love that you had for me. Then finally, the time came for our eyes to meet again.
Suddenly, I felt as though I was reborn. I forgot all of the questions that I wanted to ask. I believed that I would have a lifetime to beg those answers. I was wrong. Your desire to drink consumed and destroyed the love that you had for me. I was so angry with you! I want you to know that it was not just your life that you destroyed, and took for granted, but mine as well. I still feel the anger of that day. I remember your last words to me as if they are an echo in a dark room. Do you remember what you said? “Baby girl, please don’t do with your life, what I have done with mine.” The tears flow like fire just releasing those words now.
I did not understand at that time what you were telling me. I was angry, Dad. You had hurt me so deeply in a way that mere words fail to express. If I had known what was encompassed in that statement, I would have changed my response. “I will never do with my life what you have done with yours. You are drunk, and a waste of life, I will see you again when you are sober.” Those words haunt me. I wish with all of my heart that you had given me the opportunity to try just one more time.
That next night is burned in my memory as if it were made of fire. I remember the call. The sound of a ringing phone has never been the same. What was once just a sound has become a cold dagger through my heart. The voice on the other end said that you were gone. It was so surreal. Time seemed to halt, and all strength left my body. I collapsed when I heard the final words, “he killed himself, it is all over, he is gone.” Do you know what happened in that moment? Another question was born. Why?
It has been fifteen years since you left me. I think of you everyday, I love you deeper, and with more of my heart with every passing minute. You see Dad, with the passing of time, you have given me the greatest gift that a father could give. You gave your life for me. I was too young, and too naïve to realize it. Your words have forever altered my path. I never needed the answers, they were there all along. Your life, your choices, and your mistakes have been my map. You have been my guide in death more than you ever could have been in life.
It is ironic that now, the only regret that I have is not the unanswered questions, but the one time that you asked and I responded. I want you to know that I am sorry for what I said. I want you to know what my answer would have been if time really had stood still. “Dad, I love you. I will hold you in my heart, and let you go so that your pain can end and my life can begin.” I forgive you Dad, and I beg your forgiveness. When the sun rises again, and it reflects in my son’s eyes, I will see your forgiveness. Then I can forgive myself.
You have taught me so much when you gave your life away. You have taught me the power of words. You have shown me the importance of loving to the fullest every day, for you never know when the phone will ring. I have seen more in my sons because you made me search. Most importantly, you have broken me down to the basics of human components, and forced me to rebuild. I have done it, Dad. You would be proud. I have not done with my life, what you had done with yours. There is one thing that I will do just like you. I will share my words with others. I will share my pain, in the hopes that others will learn.
Your message lives on in me. Your life had value, not only to me, but to anyone who can’t find their path. The only thing that they need to know lies within the source of their pain. It lies within their hearts, and is carried through their words. I honor your life, and your death by passing your message to all who will listen.
“Don’t do with your life, what he did with his.” Remember to love others before yourself. Know that there is great power in your words, they can be tools of healing or of destruction. Always let the ones you love feel what you do for them. Most importantly, look into your children’s eyes, and ask “What did I do to deserve your love, my child?” If you live up to what that child asks of you, you will not make the mistakes of my father.
I give these words in your memory, Dad. I love you, I miss you, and I forgive you.

Love always,
Your baby girl

Friday, September 18, 2009

Mr. Mccain,

I am writing you this letter to inform you of my decision to vote for Senator Obama. As americans, we are conditioned to be skeptical of anything that a career politician says, yet we will be the first to question the experience of a newcomer. I, like many other Americans, questioned Senator Obama's experience and ability to lead our country at a time when our leadership is so important. Mr. Mccain, I am a registered democrat, but I have never voted party line, until now.

Mr. Mccain, you have shown powerful leadership in the past several months. Your leadership has split this country right down the middle. You have led us away from unity, and toward division. That, sir, is not what I look for in a leader. Your choice of Mrs. Palin as your running mate is a slap in the face to every American, even those who don't realize it. Those who have lived in this country through poverty, natural disaster, terrorist attack, racism, inequality, war, financial ruin, and betrayal at the hands of their president, demand...a leader who puts the country's needs before their own. Sarah Palin was nothing short of a display of your own greed and desire to win an election over the need for this country to have competent and sure leadership.

Do you remember the unity that this country experienced after 9/11? I do. Now, I see you taking what was once a unifying disaster, and turning it into a tool to destroy your opponent and invoke fear in your country. Your campaign has consisted of little substance regarding what you will do for the American people, and has focused on personal attacks on Senator Obama. I see now, in the wake of the most repulsive campaign in American history, even your trophy running mate has abandoned ship. I am going to give you, and your party some words of advice. The next time you make the fatal error of thinking that you can control, or silence a strong-minded woman, I suggest that you pick an intelligent woman. That way, when you can not control her, she is at least smart enough to help the campaign, not hurt it. Your underestimation of the power and drive of the American woman has been the golden key to your undoing.

You may have been an honorable man once, but I doubt it. The character of a person is tested in extreme circumstances. You, Mr. Mccain, are no war hero. The heroes never came home. You are a POW survivor, and you dishonor the men who did not come home with your egocentricity. The strain and pressure of this election has brought out the true colors in you. You are an embarrassment to your country, and your return to the senate in defeat can not come soon enough.

Senator Obama has handled your crude attacks with elegance and grace. He has shown me that his strength of character is exactly what this country needs right now. Senator Obama has not won this election, but if you lose, it will be at your own hand. Sleep well, Mr. Mccain, because 24 hours from now, you will reap the seeds that you have sown. I just hope that the American people can unite again in the wake of the storm that you have left behind.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Nature's Playset

I just returned home from having a nice dinner. We had planned to go see a movie, but decided to grab a coffee and drive around the local park instead.

It was beautiful. The weather here is clear and cool, and the stars were clearly visible. As we drove through the wooded silence of nature, the bright yellow lines on the road and the glaring road signs seemed to invade the sanctity of the trees. As the lights streamed across the strong and sturdy trunks of the trees, I felt as though we were merely guests in this place.

We came accross three white tailed deer, one buck and two does. They stood just a few feet from the road, posing in their majestic form. They seemed cautious of us, but unafraid. They are one of the few animals in my area that we, as humans, have regular access to, yet have never found a way of domesticating nor exploiting them. The only exception is the hunters who aid in thinning their numbers. I have always thought that people are what is overpopulated, not the deer. But for some reason, there is not a license or designated time of year for killing them. Go figure.

I became lost in the beauty of nature, and had completely forgotten about people, and then there was an obnoxious "play area" that disrupted the natural setting. I looked around at the trees and the undergrowth, the animals and the stars...and I thought....why do we need this stupid playset?

When I was a kid, the woods were my sanctuary. I would go there to forget the chaos of being a "person". I remember falling asleep on the springy moss that looked like little evergreen trees. There was one log that was rotted out in the center, and I would curl up in there and just listen to the sounds of the leaves rattling in the breeze, and the sounds of birds communicating with each other..and the occasional rustling of a woodland creature tromping past. I would gather every single seed, berry, pod... or whatever I could find... and see what it was, and where it came from. What was it's purpose here? Caterpillars in the fall were a wonderful find. They seemed willing enough to play with me, and never ran away. LOL. The trees were my jungle gym, wild grapevines were my swing, and a slippery moss covered slope after a hard rain was my slide. There was no chainlinnk fence to keep me "safe". I knew my boundaries because I knew better than to go where I was not allowed. I did not have a convenient little travel size water bottle with a strap and a squirt nozzle. My hand sanitizer was creek water and the leg of my pants. Trail mix was composed of whatever berries and seeds I could find, and taste. I don't think I should have eaten some of them! hahaha I didn't need a baseball bat, and a ball with a logo on it, just a fallen branch and the trunk of a tree. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't break that branch. So, then it was time to see how far I could hit a black walnut with the fallen branch that seemed indestructable. Then it would break. Geeeesh, just when I was about to hit a homerun.

I looked at this play area, and I noticed that the ground all around the playset was a springy rubber material. HA! The only padding with any spring in it, when I was a kid...was your ass. I don't know about you, but I was never severely injured from a tragic butt injury coming off of a swing....but now, they are REALLY safe from THAT potential disaster. *eye roll*

The colors of the play area were garish and offensive. Bilious reds, yellows, and oranges screamed "LOOK AT ME!" I wondered how these children could possibly see the beauty of what surrounded them, in light of what was clearly designed to capture their attention. How could the subtle tones of green possible draw them to leave their structured playtime, and beg to explore the wonder of nature? Well, I guess that it can't. After all, how can mom keep an eye on them while texting on the phone and chatting with her friend, whose child you MUST play with, if they are off exploring the world around them? Besides, they only have an hour to "play" and then, it is time to pile in the minivan and head off to soccer practice or music lessons, or dance class, or bible study, or mom's hair and nail appointment, their weekly therapy session, and mom has to squeeze in a trip to the pharmacy to pick up her hormone supplements and their Ritalin.

Time is a wastin', much to do, and so little time.

I don't now what I am bitching about, they can learn about nature by simply Googling it.....

I am not kidding. They do it.

or there wouldn't be this.... Nature via Google

I DEFINITELY learned more from the woods than I could ever learn from a machine...but times are changing, and I just sound like a bitter old woman.

bad news, I am only 35.


How do we adopt these stupid sayings that actually contradict each other????

Such as...

"birds of a feather stick together"


"opposites attract"

Then there is...

"an eye for an eye"


"do unto others as you would have others do unto you"

*ok, I know where those two come from..hhahah*

this cracks me up....

"NO Trespassing" <----THAT nailed to a tree

and this on the doormat...

"Welcome to my home"


This one..

"he sees the world through rose colored glasses"

and this...

"he has such a chip on his shoulder"

wtf does either of those mean????......geeeesh. Other than Elton John...who the hell wears rose colored glasses..and how does that make anything look better??? What the f*** is a "chip"???? How idiotic!

"you can't judge a book by it's cover"


"If it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, chances is a duck!"


maybe the duck had a bear book cover on it!

"the greatest things in life are free"

and this...

"there is no such thing as a free lunch"

looks like we are fucked. Just sayin...

"if you put the shoe on the other foot...."

and this...

"not until you have walked a mile in his shoes...."

but the big question is...which foot do I put HIS shoe on???

"don't look a gifthorse in the mouth"

and this...

"if it seems too good to be true, it most likely is"

um....what if it is a REALLY nice looking gift and the horse is friendly?

"don't kill the messenger"

and this...

"beware the bearer of bad news."

"only the good die young"

and this...

"respect your elders"

"what goes up, must come down"


"reach for the stars"

um...cuz eventually you will be the highlight on "one hit wonders".

"the sky is the limit"


"keep your feet on the ground"


"take it one day at a time"


"plan for the future"

"The good of the many outweigh the good of the few"


"No child left behind"

um...I guess our government never watched Star Trek. hahaha

"outer beauty fades, inner ugly is forever"

and this....

"it is what's INSIDE that counts"

um...uh oh.

"we must not repeat the mistakes of our past"


"We The People....blah blah blah"

hahahhah...that'll piss off the righties...giggle

"If you die in your nightmare, then you are really dead."

and this..

"at least he died peacefully and in his sleep."

oh holy shit!

"all men are created equal"

and this....

"behind every great man there is a strong woman"

and this....

"what's good for the goose is good for the gander"

makes my head spin.

"the color of money makes the world go round"

and this...


anyone see a connection? giggle

"let a sleeping dog lie"

and this...

"fight the good fight"

I think in order to do that, you may have to wake up the freakin dog.

speaking of which...what the hell is with our obsession with animal analogies???

"reflexes of a cat"
"swims like a fish"
"climbs like a monkey"
"the heart of a lion"
"protective like a mother hen"
"hungry as a bear"

and yet...we call ourselves "superior" to those we emulate...and pretty poorly at that.

just a thought.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Eye of the Storm

I have been thinking about family, friends and the state of our country right now.

I miss my friends who have moved so far away, I miss the friends that have been lost over the years. I feel empty and alone when I think of the reality that I never had a family before creating one of my own with my sons.

I reread the post from yesterday, and I know how much our families, friends and loved ones affect our choices and desires in regard to our politics.

The fact that there are just plain old CRAPPY PEOPLE in this world that are just set on hurting others to ease their own misery is a reality that I would like to erase.

Everyday of my life is a struggle to remember what person I want to be. It is so easy to regress into resentment and sadness. I look back on my life, and I wonder how I even made it here. Some days, I just wish I could be that person that says "f*** it" and release all of my anger, resentment, hatred and pain onto someone else.

There are days that I am very quiet, and reserved. Those are usually the days when I struggle the most with remembering who I am.

Every moment in this life tests our fortitude and our commitment both to ourselves and to the ones we love.

I wonder about those who appear to not have these moments and tests. Do they suffer the way that I do? Have they ever suffered a day in their lives?

That is what leads me to our politics. Do we project so much of our lives onto others that we can actually create a climate where the only thing that can grow is life riddled with toxicity?

My social politics very much differs from my practical application politics.

By that, I mean that how I want to see this world socially is much different from the way that it can actually be.

I was raised in a home full of hate. I know where my views on religion and social interactions come from. It is not a sub conscious existance like many. My "family" was full of hate and bitterness, yet they appeared, on every level, to be a loving, Catholic, middle class, conservative family.

They tossed around racial slurs like wildfire. They went to church every Sunday. They all drank alcohol regularly, and out of a need to "feel different". They hated gays. They hated liberals. They hated Jews. They hated Asians. They dressed conservatively and kept their home pristine and full of religious paraphernalia. There is one link here...they hated me.

I was just a small child when I came to live with them. (and THAT is a story that is stranger than fiction) I remember their eyes scaring me, especially my parents. They were very different. One had deep brown eyes and the other very light blue eyes. They both held an element of intimidation. I wanted to crawl out of my skin when I looked into them. I knew, ALWAYS, that I did not belong there.

I have said, many times that when I think of my life, growing up, that it was like watching my existance from outside a snow globe. It was as if I was watching it all happen...and powerless to stop it. For a while, I tried to conform to what I thought they wanted me to be. I do not know at what age that began to change.

I saw the result of such bitterness and hatred, and I linked them together with thier misinterpretation of me. It was then that I realized what kind of person I wanted, and was going to be, no matter what THEY tried to create.

I even used that as a template for raising my sons. When I faced a situation that I was unsure of, i would remember what was done to me in that instance, and do the opposite. It was all I could do. I did not have a pattern to follow, or a guide for how to love and to be compassionate.

I remember the names that they would call me, and then I would hear them say the word "nigger". That is how I knew it was wrong. I would hear them say "faggot", and that is how i knew it was wrong. I felt the pain of others because I knew the pain they caused me.

It was an unusual situation that will, for the rest of my life, puzzle and confuse anyone who hears about it. I keep much of it to myself, as a constant reminder that we are all living a different life, and mine is not for the teachings of others, but just for me. I share parts of who I am, in the hopes that it will make change possible for others, but i am painfully aware of the unlikelyhood of that.

Psychologists have made a career of placing blame on our pasts, and on judging people by what they experienced as children. This has happened so much that we have created a template for what we JUST KNOW this person, or that person is thinking, feeling and doing because we watched an episode of Dr Phil. The reality is that we will NEVER know why people do the things that they do, and why they feel the ways that they do. I just wish that the "airmchair, daytime shrinks" would just keep their uneducated mouths shut, and spend some time thinking about why they make the choices that they do.

For a while, i was more left of center as my political and social standing. I have gone more to center in the past few years. I CANNOT shut out all of what I was exposed to. There is a basis for reality in others hate and intolerance. To shut out all that I oppose is equally harmful as opening too far to what I support.

Life is a balance and i struggle with that balance often. I wish there were a black and white, clear formula that we could all follow for compatibility and peace. There just is not.

We can never allow ourselves to become puppets for propaganda. We can never allow ourselves to become so entrenched in what we just KNOW is right that we lose the ability to see what others think and feel. That does not mean that we have to conform to it, always. It just means that we must be able to, on some level, take a moment and think about who we are before we judge another.

After 911, there were flags everywhere. There were yellow ribbons and people draped in the symbols of religion and country. Where did that get us? I am tired of seeing the flags. I am tired of the witty one line bumper stickers that show "support" of our country at the expense of others. I am tired of being told to "think for yourself" by someone who means "think like me".

This drives me right to the center. I'm neither left, nor right. I am in the center of the shitstorm, and lost with so many others. It seems as if we just look at each other and shake our heads thinking "WTF is wrong with these people????"

That, I suppose, is the answer. They are people.

Just like me.

Friday, September 11, 2009


It is Sept 11th once again. With each passing year, the memories of that day fade in detail, but the emotion lingers. I have to really try to recollect the actual events of that day, as mostly what I can recall is emotion.

I was married, at the time, and the mother of three small boys. I awakened that morning to my usual routine. I made myself some coffee, fed the boys and turned on the morning news. I had barely settled in to watch it when suddenly the broadcast changed. What I saw stunned me. For a moment, I felt as though I was watching a movie steeped in special effects. I felt completely detatched from what I was seeing and hearing as I watched the first tower burn.

I dialed the phone to speak with my husband, who worked downtown. I was, at first, calling him to ask if what I was seeing was real, or some kind of awful hoax. While the phone was ringing, I watched a second plane come on screen and explode into the second tower.

My heart seemed to stop, and I lost my breath. The reality hit me like a bullet. The sound of the ringing tones in my ear seemed to get longer and the pause between them, an eternity. My husband finally answered, and I didn't know what to say except, "did you see it?" He said, "no, see what?" A cold shudder ran down my back, as I heard the media telling us that this was an attack, and not an accident. I begged my husband to come home immediately, and informed him of what had happened. He said that he would call me back after he found out what was going on, and what the procedure was for him at work.

I was in tears, at this point. The media was now reporting the attacks on the pentagon. They had also informed us that Bush was in Florida, and that they suspected that a plane may be headed there, or for Washington DC.

I have no family from my past, with the exception of one small group of people. My best friend from highschool's family had become like my own. They had taken me in when I was about to be lost and self destructive. They are my family. She lives in NY. Her sister lives in Florida, and her father was working in Sommerset county, being as her parents and myself live in the Pgh area. My heart sank at the realization that they were all in danger.

As I type this, the tears well up in my eyes, and I feel that ache all over again. They are safe, and still some of the most important people in my life..but how close I came to losing them.

It took hours to hear from them, as her mother and I waited anxiously, and frozen with fear and helplessness.

I saw people jumping from the burning buildings, and could hear the tension and confusion in the otherwise calm and robotic voices of the newscasters. I paced in my front yard staring down at the telephone in my hand as if it carried the rest of my life in that next ring.

My sons did not realize what was happening, and I didn't know what to tell them.

I didn't lose anyone close to me that day. I am thankful for that, and always will be. Life is sometimes a cruel and vindictive monster.

In the weeks and months that followed September 11th, I saw a change in people. They were more kind, and patient. There wasn't any of the usual heavy sighs, attitudes and selfishness in the lines at the stores. People smiled as if they knew your pain, and understood that we are all vulnerable. People rallied together to form an emotional barricade and a fortress of strength in the face of utter despair and anger. Our brave men and women toiled relentlessly looking for the fallen victims in those towers, and not just "Americans". They searched for hours, and then days, and then weeks hoping to find just ONE MORE alive. Soon, the search became one simply to provide closure for the families who would never again see their loved ones.

We joined our hearts and mind with our President. His party affiliation did not matter. His race did not matter. His gender did not matter. We looked to him for strength and promised him ours.

The events that followed that year have become something of a mystery to me.

How did we forget?

How did we forget the strength that we once showed? How have we allowed bitterness and fear to cloud our hearts and minds and lead us to the place that we are today?

Two beams of light now shine where two great towers, full of the final breaths of our brothers and sisters from home and around the world, once stood.

When will we remember that light and let it back into our hearts and minds? When will we regain our strength and show the world that we truly can rise above and overcome destruction?

When sadness turns to bitterness, and anger turns to apathy, have we survived?

Sadness must turn to resolve, and anger must turn to strength of unity.

Where did we go wrong?

We allowed ourselves to become weak, afraid and desperate. We lost sight of the meaning of what happened, and the reasons for why. We have now become bitter and divided. Those who we once turned to for unity have torn us apart. We, however, must blame ourselves. NO ONE can lead you from fear. NO ONE can teach you to feel and to remember. When we rely on others to do our thinking for us, only the powerful and the opportunistic will rise from those ashes.

We are a great nation. It is time to show it, and heal.