Friday, September 18, 2009

Mr. Mccain,

I am writing you this letter to inform you of my decision to vote for Senator Obama. As americans, we are conditioned to be skeptical of anything that a career politician says, yet we will be the first to question the experience of a newcomer. I, like many other Americans, questioned Senator Obama's experience and ability to lead our country at a time when our leadership is so important. Mr. Mccain, I am a registered democrat, but I have never voted party line, until now.

Mr. Mccain, you have shown powerful leadership in the past several months. Your leadership has split this country right down the middle. You have led us away from unity, and toward division. That, sir, is not what I look for in a leader. Your choice of Mrs. Palin as your running mate is a slap in the face to every American, even those who don't realize it. Those who have lived in this country through poverty, natural disaster, terrorist attack, racism, inequality, war, financial ruin, and betrayal at the hands of their president, demand...a leader who puts the country's needs before their own. Sarah Palin was nothing short of a display of your own greed and desire to win an election over the need for this country to have competent and sure leadership.

Do you remember the unity that this country experienced after 9/11? I do. Now, I see you taking what was once a unifying disaster, and turning it into a tool to destroy your opponent and invoke fear in your country. Your campaign has consisted of little substance regarding what you will do for the American people, and has focused on personal attacks on Senator Obama. I see now, in the wake of the most repulsive campaign in American history, even your trophy running mate has abandoned ship. I am going to give you, and your party some words of advice. The next time you make the fatal error of thinking that you can control, or silence a strong-minded woman, I suggest that you pick an intelligent woman. That way, when you can not control her, she is at least smart enough to help the campaign, not hurt it. Your underestimation of the power and drive of the American woman has been the golden key to your undoing.

You may have been an honorable man once, but I doubt it. The character of a person is tested in extreme circumstances. You, Mr. Mccain, are no war hero. The heroes never came home. You are a POW survivor, and you dishonor the men who did not come home with your egocentricity. The strain and pressure of this election has brought out the true colors in you. You are an embarrassment to your country, and your return to the senate in defeat can not come soon enough.

Senator Obama has handled your crude attacks with elegance and grace. He has shown me that his strength of character is exactly what this country needs right now. Senator Obama has not won this election, but if you lose, it will be at your own hand. Sleep well, Mr. Mccain, because 24 hours from now, you will reap the seeds that you have sown. I just hope that the American people can unite again in the wake of the storm that you have left behind.

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