Thursday, April 15, 2010

It's time to pray.

Hartford, Connecticut (CNN) -- A bill in Connecticut's legislature that would remove the statute of limitations on child sexual abuse cases has sparked a fervent response from the state's Roman Catholic bishops, who released a letter to parishioners Saturday imploring them to oppose the measure.

Politics from the pulpit? What happened to your fantasy of separation of church and state? I guess since YOU don't abide by "the rules", then neither will we. TIME TO PAY TAXES! So, the men in red dresses speak out again. This is priceless.

The proposed change to the law would put "all Church institutions, including your parish, at risk," says the letter, which was signed by Connecticut's three Roman Catholic bishops.

The letter is posted on the Web site of the Connecticut Catholic Public Affairs Conference, the public policy and advocacy office of Connecticut's Catholic bishops. It asks parishioners to contact their legislators in opposition of the bill.

The "legislation would undermine the mission of the Catholic Church in Connecticut, threatening our parishes, our schools, and our Catholic Charities," the letter says.

The Catholic archdiocese of Hartford also published a pulpit announcement on its Web site, which was to be read during Mass on Sunday, urging parishioners to express opposition to the bill.

What I want to know is, how the fuck a supposedly sentinent human being can sit on a wooden bench, hear their puppet say "oppose legislation that erradicates the statute of limitations" on the worst crime imaginable, and nod their heads in agreement.

Listen you fuckin idiots, if you are not harboring molesters, and the "false accusers" have no evidence of the alleged crimes, you have nothing to worry about. But you know better, don't KNOW that you are harboring molesters, and you care more about your fucking church than you do about your fellow man. Typical arrogant Catholics. Do you jackasses even know that one of the classic traits of a cult and a cult leader is paranoia? Yes, it is true. ALL cults and their leaders show a fear of reprisal for the purity of their beliefs, and pass that fear to their willing sheep. They wipe away their wrong doing by claiming that there is a conspiracy afoot designed to destroy what you hold so dear...your lies.

What really goes through your head when you hear the red dress guy say, "all church institutions are at risk, including your parish..."? Please tell me that you wonder if they know something you don't, like that YOUR priest is a molester. Because any other thought is simply paranoia and conjured fear at the hands of manipulative cult leaders. Will you think twice about their stand on this issue? Do you even ask yourselves why the need for such fear?

To help you, I suggest that you read up on the lifelong effects of sexual abuse. It can take decades for a victim to come to terms with what happened to them. Their lives are forever altered from that moment forward, whether they consciously realize it or not. The least that we, as acommunity, can give them, is time. I am willing to give them a lifetime to find peace...yet you Catholics won't. UN FUCKING BELIEVEABLE!

I have another suggestion, be careful campaigning from the pulpit, because one day, you may find yourselves being hit where it hurts more than just bad PR. We will hit you in the wallet. Let me help you out with this one. Instead of waiting for living, breathing human beings to listen to you....try this one out...

Dear god...

Please use your hand of justice and help the people to see the truth and love within your church. Guide us and give us the strength to find the flaws within our own humanity, and see the sufferings of those who have been hurt by evil that has infiltrated your church. May our courts be fair, and just, and may all those who have brought harm to our children be punished by human laws guided by your hand, and may they face final judgement before you. We give our trust and our faith to you, almighty god.

There. See? He will fix shut the fuck up...and see the power of your "god" in action.

Good luck with that. In the meantime, we will put your priests, bishops...and even your pope behind bars, if THAT is what OUR laws determine.

You better start praying for the right things...1,000 years is sufficient time to figure out what the "right thing" is, don't you think?

fuckin hypocrites.

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