Sunday, April 4, 2010

....and the saga continues....

I do not typically revisit a subject once I have spewed my opinion on the matter, but THIS one begs to be followed relentlessly. I am both laughing and disgusted by the fact that I am sitting here on Easter morning reading yet another series of "Bushisms" (thank you President Dipshit for that word!) captured for all posterity. They come at the lips of the flying monkeys that run the Vatican. This one is worthy of more attention...

Pope Benedict XVI faced fresh criticism Saturday after attacks on the Catholic Church over the paedophile priest furore were compared to anti-Semitism, further marring Easter Week celebrations.

Jewish groups and those representing victims of abuse by Catholic priests denounced the remarks by the pope's personal preacher during a Good Friday homily.

But hold on a minute, here is a shocker, THEY DENY IT!

Vatican spokesman Federico Lombardi later told AFP the comments were from "a letter read by the preacher and not the official position of the Vatican."

So, here is what I am wondering, what color smoke do the sheep see pouring from the Vatican when their self pontificating men in red dresses (insert your mind humming "Lady in Red" by Chris De Burgh) get caught breaking their cardinal rule? (pun intended).

Let's take a look at this one. A letter written by some moron, whose name I don't even care to know, was released supposedly without the approval of the Vatican. That is quite a position for them to take. This, from the organization that has managed to make wiping their own asses secretive and ritualistic. Nice try, boys. If it was allowed to be seen, you agreed with it, and supported it's content. I know that your followers are morons, they have to be to keep swallowing the shit that you shovel, but those of us with REAL free will and common sense are stunned by the unmitigated gall it takes to make a statement like that, and then try to deny it.

I will, yet again, simplify what was stated here. The Vatican has been accused of willfully covering up countless acts of sexual abuse within their ranks. Proof of these accusations and their failure to follow up appropriately has been provided. The responsibility has landed square in the lap of your current "Water Buffalo" leader. Then, instead of being forthcoming with a dose of your OWN repentance, you idiots compare people demanding justice for victims of abuse with THE HOLOCAUST! HOLY SHIT! Not only did you pull the victim card, you threw the whole fuckin deck!

So, Pope Ratfucker has clearly decided to use the Ostrich defense. He has simply shoved his head in the sand, (sand being a metaphor for his rectal cavity) and refused to aknowledge the accusations appropriately. I can only assume that he is hoping that this will all blow over. You see, folks, he can't "do the right thing" here because if he does, and he calls for the resignation and defrocking of the gulity parties, he is signing his own warrant. He is as culpable as his minions.

The pope himself faces allegations that, as archbishop of Munich and later as the Vatican's chief morals enforcer, he helped to protect predator priests.


But hey, the good news is that god will guide them to the right decision through a thorough investigation. *blink* I guess god is partying it up at spring break in Orlando or some shit, because he clearly is not focused here. What happened to wrath and lightning bolts that shoot out of his ass? You mean to tell me that he is relying on a bunch of grown men who haven't had sex, (cough cough) wear red dresses and WAY too much bling to render justice here? Good lord, your god is weak. That sparks a funny thought. You Catholics get your panties all in a bunch over shit like gay parades and alternative lifestyles, all the while your leaders are parading around in drag and perfoming plays in public squares. Wow.

The Archbishop of Canterbury, meanwhile, told the BBC in a radio interview to be aired next week that the Irish Catholic Church had lost "all credibility" over its massive abuse scandal compounded by evidence of cover-ups by high-ranking prelates, the Times of London reported Saturday.

I love that one. They have lost all credibility? Ya think???? What i want to know, is where the FUCK was their "credibility" before this? Come on people, we are talking about a bunch of people who actually think that a human being controlled a massive body of water. They actually believe that some singular creature that no one had ever seen or touched created EVERYTHING. They actually believe that if they ask for something long enough, over and over again, that this creature will grant their request. They actually believe that they have found the one god who rules above all others. *blink* Credibility? WITH WHO? Oh, I know who. They may be losing credibilty with the "just in case" believers. You know who you are. You are pretty sure that everything that your religion spews is a bunch of crap, but you keep dutifully going to church and following their loosly formed rules.....just in case....they are right in the end. I get that. Guess what? It is now time to just let it go! Let me put it this way, you are MUCH more likely to get a ride on a puffy cloud with a hot angel if you DON'T follow a molester. Did that clear it up for you? No? Ok, let's try this way then, you are MORE likely to know what a flame up your ass feels like if you continue to place the word of a flawed human being over the word of your "almighty god".

"Their children shall be dashed
to pieces before their eyes!
There houses spoiled, and their
wives raped...Dash the young men
to pieces...have no pity on the
fruit of the womb, the children
shall not be spared"
-- Isa 13:16-18

...or maybe I am wrong. *blink*

Good choice in a god, idiots. The fun in all of this is that I can find another twenty passages that completely contradict this one...and every one. How do you people fit your entire cranium in your assholes?

Listen, you idiots. You can't pick and choose what rules you follow at whatever time it suits you. You either believe in god, and doing the right thing, or you don't. I simply believe in the latter. If you have nothing to fear, allow and DEMAND that your "leaders of faith" are held accountable for destroying and corrupting your most valued posession....your faith. Oh, it isn't your most valued posession? Is it your children? Your car? What is it? Come on, people...get a fucking grip! If you are following a god that does NOT condemn the acts of these men, may want to look in another book or something. There ARE others, you know. They were written by men too. They are equally flawed and full of contradictions and imagry. Jesus Christ, you can find anything you want in any of them! Try this...believe in your god, if you are so sure that he exists. Believe in your ideas of right and wrong. Just PLEASE stop believing in the superiority of your position! It is your unbending need to be the "right one" that has allowed this organization to grow to a level of corruption and lawlessness that has jeopardized our children. I believe in your shit more than you do! I believe that your child is MY child..and it is my duty to protect them! I am begging you to stop and think about what your blindness is causing.

But in France the daily Liberation on Saturday carried a front page headline asking "It is time to change the pope?".

The paper concluded that while being a top theologian, Benedict XVI has demonstrated "scant political judgement during his five year pontificate and is a poor communicator, who accumulates one gaffe after another."

It doubted that the pope was up to dealing with the current crisis, saying that in the past he had shown "an incomprehension of the world as it is".

"It is down to him to respond to the expectations of his faithful and the secular world. Benedict XVI must come out of his bubble."

"an incomprehension of the world as it is" That is quite a statement. I guess this ranks right up there with the cardinal who, last week, said that he thinks that eliminating celibacy for priests would limit incidents of sexual abuse. *blink* Are there any other books or publications in the Vatican that could help shed some light on the fact that molestation and rape are NOT about sex?? After all, we have only kown that for the last 20 or 30 years. "come out of his bubble" I love that one too. If he comes "out of his bubble", he won't be the fuckin pope! For Christ's sake, his "bubble" is BULLETPROOF!

I'm dux animadverto , EGO don't postulo interpretor EGO operor non postulo interpretor quare Inquam res. Ut interesting res super res praesieo "


"I'm the commander -- see, I don't need to explain -- I do not need to explain why I say things. That's the interesting thing about being president."

Thank you, President Bush.

Holy shit. Now I am REALLY pissed that you made me say THAT!

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