Sunday, May 2, 2010

The deadliest creature known to womankind...

The nature of many women, I have found, is to be inately afraid of the silliest things. We fear the icky, creepy little bugs that invade our homes and patios. I have seen women run for a tissue, JUST to gently grab the helpless insect and either flush it down the toilet, or release it outside. Ladies, please stop that. It is embarrassing. First of all, releasing it is just stupid. Do you think that it lost it's GPS system and won't find it's way back in? Then why do you pick it up, ever so gently, just to send it for a swirling ride from hell into out public sewer system that will surely end it's life? What is the WORLD did a helpless little ladybug do that warrants such an assault? Besides, the spider hiding under your bed will even the score for you, soon enough.

We fear snakes and small rodents. This is amazing. A woman will spend hours upon hours seeking out the best deal one can find on any purchase made for the home and family, but if she spies a rodent or a snake..BAM! She is on the phone faster than you can say, "CHARGE IT!". She will call one, and only one, animal control service and pay TOP DOLLAR to have this situation remedied. This same woman, who spends much of her time diligently protecting her family and searching child predator websites will allow a man sporting a mullet, one tooth, and a rusty trap, to enter her home and seek out all cracks and crevices within it JUST to remove one mouse.

Then, there is a knock at the door. Behind it lurks the deadliest creature known to womankind. Yet, she will open the door, smile, and say, "Oh hi, Mom. Come on in!" No, it isn't HER mother, it is the woman who gave birth to her significant other. Ladies, you are going to need a bigger tissue for THIS pest removal!

Now, I know that there are those of you out there that have a deliriously wonderful relationship with your mother-in-law, and to you, I say...shush. This is all about those of us who have endured years of emotional torment at the hands of a creature riddled with toxicity and venom.

Maybe some background is required here. I can help with that, as I am sure there are those who can relate on many levels to the tales I am about to share.

I was married at a fairly young age, I was twenty years old. I also had the privledge of marrying outside of my own culture and race. I married a Cantonese man whose family moved to The United States when he was only ten years old. You think that dealing with a woman who despises you is difficult? Try this one on for size, imagine that you do not speak the same language and have to rely on your husband for accurate translation. Yeah, exactly. I used to love the contorted, tortured expression on his face as he attempted to soften the blow that was just vommited all over me, via him. There was a culture and language barrier in place that made all of the usual dealings with in-laws even more of a challenge, I will admit that. However, when you scrape away all of the excuses and justifications for her behavior, you are left with a very simple and deadly creature...the meddling Mother-in-law.

When my future husband (also future EX husband) and I began dating, there were SO many warning signs that so many of us ignore. I remember meeting my future mother-in-law, and seeing that pursed mouth of hers, and thinking, "I am going to MAKE this woman like me." I didn't know how wrong I was. You see, my husband was her baby. He was the youngest of five children, and her pride and joy. The first time that we met, I was wearing a tank top, so my arms were fully exposed. She looked me up and down, grabbed my arm, and made a disgusted face. I am half Italian heritage. I have hair on my arms from my wrist to my elbow, as many women do. I never thought much of it, and refused to do anything about it, being as I already have enough body parts to scrape hair from. She said disgustedly, "Yuck! You a woman. You no have hair on the arm. Take off. You look like man." When I recovered from the shock and hurt of what she said, I wanted to say, "Your son doesn't seem to mind when he is lying next to me in bed, you bitch!" But, I didn't say that. Damn, i wish that I had. The years and moments to follow would only solidify in my mind that this woman was, indeed, the antichrist.

My Mother-in-law was good for calling "family meetings" to discuss whatever hair was up her ass that week. These were a real hoot. Basically, it was a bunch of babbling Chinese people, and me. I knew that if Uncle Johnny showed up, I was in some shit. He was the designated translator for the dumb white girl. This one particular meeting involved HER deciding that my husband and I should move. Oh, did I mention that the move would include moving in with THEM? It did. My father-in-law was in failing health, and she felt that it would be best for everyone if I became their nursemaid and slave. I disagreed. However, she did not go about this in the typical fashion. I sat through this entire dinner, held in a public venue, of course, and wondered what her angle was going to be. After we completed our meal and desserts, I was fully prepared to gather my two year old son, and return home. It was then that she decided to pull her rabbit from the hat. She asked Johnny to have me remain seated and pulled a jewelry box from her purse. Within that box was contained a 2 carat diamond solitaire. She placed it in her claw, I mean hand, and reached out to me with an expression of pure deviance. She asked Johnny to ask me if I liked the ring. I knew full well what this bitch was up to. I took the ring from Johnny, looked at it, and said, "It is a bit gaudy for my tastes, what do you want?" I then proceded to set the ring up on end and flick it back accross the table at her. It was the first of many times that I would lose my cool at the hand of such a manipulative creature. I had always been accused of being in their family for their money. Oh, you didn't know that they were wealthy? Oops, sorry about that. Let me back up a moment, and explain.

My mother and father-in-law brought their family here in the late eighties. They were seeking what all immigrants seek here, freedom and financial success. They were fairly poor, and had five children. They began washing dishes at her sister's restaurant to earn a paycheck. They worked long hours and their children were either worked as slaves, or severely neglected. A large part of the Chinese culture revolves around gambling. They are no exception. They would play Mah Jong for days straight, winning or losing thousands of dollars nightly. They frequented casinos and gaming resorts, all the while claiming poverty. They also played the Pennsylvania lottery. Here is where the story creates the monster that I came to know and loathe. My mother-in-law thought that she could "figure out" the lottery numbers before they hit. She did this daily. One particular day, she gave a list of numbers to her husband to play. He dutifully went to the local gas station to carry out the queen's orders. When he arrived, he realized that he had forgotten his reading glasses. The lottery tickets, in case you have never seen them, are VERY difficult to read and decipher if you have GOOD eyesight. There are little boxes by the numbers that you must fill in with pencil in order to choose the number. He could not see them. So, he counted the boxes over and filled in the block of what he THOUGHT was the right number. One problem arose. He was holding the card upside down. He had played all the wrong numbers, and to say that he heard about his mistake when he arrived home, would be an understatement. Fortunately, he was redeemed when a few days later, they were the recipients of 15.8 million dollars. You heard that right. 15.8 MILIION DOLLARS!

Now, one would think that this family would have all the opportunity that they had hoped for, correct? You would be wrong. Not ONE of their children experienced a college education. Not ONE of their children has remained married for more than 10 years. Not ONE of their children could stand alone without the financial support of their parents. You see, SHE wanted it that way. I remember once, her saying to me, "Have MORE kids. I have 5 kid. You, only 3! You need MORE. They care of you when they big." She remained in control of her children despite their yearning for freedom. They wanted her money, and she used it to it's fullest potential as a device to keep control.

She had one glitch in her plan. Me. I continually resisted her methods of control. I begged my husband to NOT take their money, and that we would get by on what we had. This was futile, he was addicted to it, and he loved his Mommy. This woman was the bane of my existance. She would often show up at our home unannounced and let herself in with the key that her son had provided to her. One particular incident will remain forever embedded in my memory. I was in the shower when her and her husband arrived. I came out of the shower and ran smack into my father-in-law standing in my bedroom, where SHE had told him to go. She suggested that I was lazy and sleeping and that he should wake me. Later, I found from my husband that she was upset with me for coming out of the shower wearing only a towel, and that she found it to be disrespectful of her husband. *blink* It was a crazy little world inside of her head, and GOD HELP YOU if you dared to enter it.

She would have moments of "kindness". Well, that was once she stopped spreading the rumor that my second son did not belong to my husband because he was "too white". What the hell am I? I swear that this woman saw me as some kind of breeding vessel that should bow down to her every need and request. Once, she was "kind" enough to allow me to keep my baby. Yeah, soak THAT one in for a minute. This same woman who demanded that I breed had once held a family meeting when I was pregnant with my first son and told me that I would ruin her son's life, and that I should have an abortion. Then she passed the salt.

All mother-in-laws have their tools for mass destruction, but this woman had the holy grail...the language barrier. They had lived here for twenty years, and yet, she was COMPLETELY incapable of getting an oil change without help from her son. Every single weekend was consumed with tasks to be carried out by us, on her behalf. She would call my husband, or just show up at the house, and whine endlessly about how she just can't seem to get the phrase, "oil change" out of her mouth. Amazingly enough, though, she never seemed to have trouble at the bank. Go figure. If I dared to schedule anything that would interfere with my husband completing his assigned tasks, god help me. I can also assure you, that if this woman had something to say to me, and there was NOT a translator handy, she found a way to say it.

My children were always a bone of contention in my dealings with the monster-in-law. She would do all of the typical things, like give them things to eat that they were not allowed to have. Oh, I don't mean candy. You will need further explanation, again. I breast fed my sons, and after she was kind enough to walk right up to me, grasp my breasts, and determine that I was not producing sufficient milk for them, she decided to supplement their diet. I would put my son down for a nap, and I had to watch her like a hawk when she would visit. She would enter his room, wake him, and feed him glucose water from a bottle. Yes ladies, she did. To say the least, this would turn me into a raging female tiger. This confrontation would, of course, be all my fault because she was just "trying to help". Listen lady, keep your hands off of my tits, AND off of my son, please! Is that really a difficult concept to grasp? Culture barrier, my ass. I don't see Asian women feeling up each other's milk laden breasts all that often. Ya know?

I could always count on her to medicate my children, as well. When I say medicate, I mean torture. My husband guilted me into visiting my in-laws in Hong Kong one summer when my first two children were very small. My oldest son was just over two, and my middle son was just one month old. We made the 24 hour flight to Hong Kong, at the queen of the damned's request. This would be the longest eight weeks of my life. You heard that right. I stayed there for eight weeks with the creature from the shit lagoon. Within hours of our arrival, she had begun her usual torture. My oldest son has eczema. I made the fatal error of attempting to shower. It is amazing that I sustained any human hygeine while dealing with this woman. She saw me taking a shower as the hen abandoning the nest, and leaving it open to the fox. I could hear my son screaming while I was bathing. I quickly jumped from the shower and grabbed a towel, (oh, she is going to be pissed again!) just to see her placing my son in a vat of black liquid that was pouring off steam. The wicked witch of the EAST was trying to make a Jonas stew or some shit. I grabbed my son and asked her what the hell she was doing. She tugged at him and said, "you not know what you doing. I fix him skin. This Chinese medicine. GO AWAY!" Oh My GOD, WOMAN! This takes meddling to a whole new level. She is trying to boil my son, and my husband is worried that I hurt her feelings? What the hell kind of parallel universe have I entered?

Ok, now listen to me. I know that you have all had to eat something awful that your mother-in-law cooked, but until you have been fed a black snake that she just killed with her bare hands and nailed to a tree in the front yard, I DO NOT want to hear about your mother-in-law's dry pork chops! Got it? The crazy bitch told me that it would help the pain in my knee. Maybe it does, maybe it doesn't. But I can tell you this, the taste of black snake is WAY worse than the pain in my knee. I really thought that my brother-in-law was kidding when he told me that she was going to make me eat it. I also DO NOT like to look my meal in the eye. Is it not enough that I had to help you hold the chicken when you cut it's head off, and boiled the smelly feathers out? NOW I have to have it's head staring at me from my plate? Are you kidding me? Who eats a chicken's head, really? Jesus Christ, I had to deal with a Chinese Granny from the Beverly Hilbillies...and you think YOU have a shitty mother-in-law?

Ok, ok, I may have gotten a bit off track here. I have to focus. This woman made every event, family function, or get together into a game of wits. She was damn good at it too. I will now share the final move in her game of chess. She and her husband decided, many years back, to open another restaurant for their older son. They had already done this twice, and both times met as failure and financial loss. When they asked ME what I thought they should name it, I said, "Strike Three". Hey, I thought it was funny. She did not. Her oldest son was, and still is, a complete waste of perfectly good human organs. He is utterly useless and one of the laziest people I have ever known. So, opening a business for him to run is PROBABLY not a good idea. But, hey, that is their problem, right? Not quite. I made my husband promise to NOT get us involved in ANY WAY in the financial dealings of this restaurant and his family. We had already been there, and done that. He promised. I will make a VERY long story as short as possible here. We had another "family meeting" following the signing of the financial documents involving this restaurant. I found, to my dismay and complete shock, that my husband had been coerced into placing our home as collateral for the over one million dollars in loans required to start up another doomed business. We were not the only ones affected by this stunt. There were other innocent family members also manipulated into this disaster. I literally took leave of my senses. I told that woman exactly what I had thought of her, and her behavior for all those years. I felt WONDERFUL. Now, I had to get my home out of this mess. As it turns out, the entire real estate deal was a scam, and through diligent research, all that was lost was 20,000 dollars of the bitch's money.

Are you exhausted yet? I am. But that, folks, is not the end. This occurred just a few weeks before Christmas. Christmas eve, I had my family and friends here, at my home. My in-laws were to arrive at 6pm. At 7pm, my father-in-law shows up, alone. He informs my husband that my mother-in-law will not be making an appearance unless I drive to her mother's home, and make a public apology for direspecting her in front of the family. Holy shit! I thought to myself, certainly NO ONE will go for this, especially my husband. Well, that is not quite how it panned out. My two sister-in-laws took me into the upstairs bedroom and explain that if I do NOT go, she will win. They explained that the family would view me as guilty, and as a coward. I was stunned. I agreed to go, but I retained one thought. If my husband lets me walk out that door, this marriage is over. I walked out the door. I left my entire family and all of my friends on Christmas and drove to his grandmother's home. I walked in, and a hush fell over the house. His mother was seated at the dining room table. I sat next to her and asked for her forgiveness. My skin crawled as she placed her hand between my face and hers, displaying the mother's ring that I had bought her just a year before. She refused to look at me, or accept my apology. Ok, bitch. Game on.

I informed my husband that I wanted a divorce. He, of course, refused. We lived together for two more years following this event. I was a stay at home mom with no money, and faced a fight against millions of dollars. It was a steep uphill battle. In the course of that war, my credit was destroyed by the man who claimed to love me, and with the help of his mother. I discovered that the very home that I lived in was NOT purchased by my husband, as I had previously been told, but it was gifted to him by guess who. That's right, the mother. She gave him implicit instructions that I would NEVER own that house. He agreed, and he did so while we were married and "in love". Well, thanks to much hard work, creating a career from nothing, and sheer determination, the day that the PA family courts ordered my husband to hand over the title to my home was the day that I said, "Checkmate, bitch". I ate thousands of dollars in debt that he had run up against the house, survived devastated credit, paid thousands of dollars in legal fees and kept food on the table for three young boys.

I look back on that part of my life now, and I wonder....

Could I have just taken her out with a tissue, and flushed her down the toilet?

Where the hell is the mullet guy with the rusty trap when you really need him?

Well, the tissue was my determination to do what was right for my sons, the toilet was the reality that their lottery payments are now over, and they are as broke as the day they came here.

The mullet guy with the trap? That is her own greed and hatred locked away in her cold, dead heart. She made the rusty trap, and now she lives in it...with all five of her children. By the way, do you think that they take care of her now?

Would you?

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Which cup has the ball now? $50 to the winner...step right up!

VATICAN CITY – Pope Benedict XVI cracked down Saturday on the scandal-plagued Legionaries of Christ, announcing that a papal envoy would take over and reform the conservative order that has been discredited by revelations that its founder sexually abused seminarians and fathered at least one child.

Benedict also ordered a special commission to study the Legionaries constitutions and said a Vatican expert would investigate its lay arm, Regnum Christi.

Well, I don't know about you, but I can rest my head peacefully tonight knowing that they are doing an inside investigation on a minute. "A Vatican expert"? What is he an expert IN? I don't think that being well versed in the ritual and practice of the Catholic church qualifies him to investigate child molestation, especially if he believes in the verses that condone it. A papal envoy? They are sending a religious diplomat? Well, that will be helpful, thanks for that. What the hell do they need a diplomat for? Are they trying to come up with a trade agreement or treaty? Interesting because I would think that they would want a criminal investigator to look into something that could be SO damaging to such an elite and moral organization.

Excuse me, Benedict The Great, what the hell exactly IS a "special commission" in relation to the very organization that has beed tied to the current cover-up scandal? I am curious, who comprises this steadfast and legally responsible "commission"? I hate to show any "disrespect", but you don't know shit about right and wrong. What right do you have to investigate the wrong doings of your organization (that includes the little branches that feed the large tree, asshole) from within that very organization? Who the fuck do you think you are? god?

Oh, you do, don't you. "Heaven forbid" that you allow a non self interested party, oh, say CRIMINAL INVESTIGATORS, to do EXACTLY what they are trained to do, and that is to uncover information and evidence that is conclusive and unbiased. You want that information for yourselves, so that you can run it through a filter, created by you, fill in the holes with information trumped up by you, and find an "eligible scapegoat" to pin the entire mess on that will not reflect back on, say...YOU!

In the end, it was only in 2006 — a year into Pope Benedict XVI's papacy — that the Vatican ordered Maciel to lead a "reserved life of penance and prayer," making him a priest in name only.

The Vatican statement was remarkable in its tough denunciation of Maciel's crimes and deception, but it placed the blame almost entirely on him. It made no mention of any complicity on the part of Vatican officials who had held up Maciel as a model for the faithful.

But, maybe I am wrong. *blink*

The Vatican ordered an investigation into the order in 2009 after the Legionaries acknowledged that Maciel had fathered a daughter who is now in her 20s and lives in Spain. But it was only in March of this year that the Legionaries acknowledged that Maciel had also sexually abused seminarians and that two men are claiming to be his sons.

But, I doubt it. You know why?

He died in 2008 at age 87.

In case you missed that slight of hand, folks, the man in question, who was just recently dismissed from the church, died two years ago. He will never stand trial. He will never hear the suffering of his victims. He has no ability to defend himself against his accusers in a court of law. Most importantly, he cannot speak of what his "bosses" did or did not know of his actions. He is dead. One couldn't ask for a better scapegoat and token pacifier of the public than a dead guy, eh?

The Vatican said the system of power, obedience and silence Maciel created had kept "a large part" of the Legionaries in the dark about his double life. That did raise questions about what would become of the current Legionaries leadership since many have questioned how they couldn't have known of his misdeeds.

Pot, meet kettle. Let me get this right, and bear with me for a moment because my head is spinning at an alarming rate. The catholic church, who uses an obsolete and dead language to communicate, who refuses to speak directly to the people without a spokesman and publicist, who refuses to allow non religious investigations of the inner workings of their organization, who has managed to duck and dodge serious allegations of abuse, fraud and crimes against humanity, who has an inner secretive network tighter than organized crime and government combined (giggle), who has hidden and ignored the accusations layed upon this man for fourteen years just tried to claim that they didn't know what he was doing because he was REALLY good at keeping a secret???? This, of course, is largely due to the fact that HE created the system of silence and lies.....uh....not quite.

The late Pope John Paul II had long championed the Legionaries for their orthodoxy and ability to bring in vocations and money. Berry has recently written in the U.S. Catholic publication National Catholic Reporter of how the late pope's secretary and No. 2 allegedly intervened to protect Maciel and accept donations on his behalf.

Oh, how naive I am. Silly me, I was thinking that this Maciel guy was like David Fuckin Copperfield! Now it all makes sense. He was a good recruiter and fundraiser.

Got it.

I guess his fundraising days are over, being as he is dead, and all. No harm no foul, eh boys? You can NOW kick him out, and not lose any cash since he can't raise money from beyond the grave. Oh, the irony of "life after death" fundraising.

Maciel founded the Legion in his native Mexico in 1941 and the order's culture was built around Maciel. His photo adorned every Legion building, his biography and writings were studied, and his birthday was celebrated as a feast day. Until recently, Legion members took a vow not to criticize their superiors, including Maciel.

DAYUM! His birthday was a holiday? But, I thought that he was a REALLY good "secret keeper"? Don't you people get all bent out of shape over worshipping men before your god? Oh, that's only if it guy from a different cult, I know.

The Vatican set out an initial course of action: the pope would name a personal delegate to lead the order and a commission of study to review the order's founding constitutions. In addition, the Vatican said the pope would name a special investigator to look into the order's lay arm, Regnum Christi, at the lay members' request.

It wasn't clear what powers the delegate would have, however, and what would become of the current leadership.

It isn't clear what powers they will have? Oh, I think it is pretty clear what their marching orders are. Cover up, destroy evidence, and when all else fails, lie, deny, lie, deny. We know the drill. We (those of us free from indoctrination and fear driven guilt) are painfully aware of what damage their "delegates" can create. For example....

The order now claims a membership of more than 800 priests and 2,500 seminarians in 22 countries, along with 70,000 members in Regnum Christi. It runs schools, charities, Catholic news outlets, seminaries for young boys, and universities in Mexico, Italy, Spain and elsewhere. Its U.S. headquarters are in Orange, Connecticut.

Read that again. This man built a cult following that spans the globe, and did so under the protection and support of the vatican.

To see anything else, is simple willful ignorance. Do you realize the cash flow generated by those numbers above? WHY would they risk alienating this group by removing their revered leader in shame?

Folks, you continue to fall for the oldest trick in the book. (not THAT book, jesus christ, pay attention!)

While you are busy watching one hand, the other hand has the answer. The ball is ALWAYS under whatever cup the magician wants it to be. Do you know how you ACTUALLY win that game of chance, and slight of hand?

Don't play.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

The beauty of subtle change...

Embedding has been removed from the above video, I urge you to follow the URL and view it, especially if you are younger than 35. It is the video of Sinead O'Connor's performance of "War" on Saturday Night Live. She made that performance in 1992. The video shows her very powerful performance in which she ends with the tearing of a photograph of the Pope.

Sincere apologies were issued by both SNL and Ms. O'Connor following that performance. Even at a young age, I was saddened by her apology. Her very apology reduced the impact of what was then and still is now, a very powerful message. Sinead all but disappeared from public view in the U.S. following that performance. She paid a very high price for her "disrespect", both personally and professionally. She had the guts to do, what many of us wanted to, and yet, we all fell silent as she fell from grace.

Not this time around....

LONDON – Britain's Foreign Office issued a hasty apology Sunday to Pope Benedict XVI after publication of an internal memo in which officials joked he could open an abortion clinic, launch a range of condoms or sing a duet with Queen Elizabeth II during a four-day visit in September.

The document, sections of which were published in the Sunday Telegraph newspaper, also proposed the pope could bless a gay marriage, and acknowledge the clerical sex abuse scandal by establishing a hot line for abused children, or honoring abuse whistleblowers.

So, you felt the need to aopolgize? I find that somewhat hard to believe. It appears apologetic on the surface, but if one looks a little beyond the writing, and remembers the punishment dolled out to Ms. O'Connor, I see it quite differently, and it gives me hope.

First of all, those suggestions are not only appropriate, but perfectly toungue in cheek funny. An abortion clinic? Blessing a gay marriage? Good stuff there, kids. However, my favorite is the hotline suggestion. Well done. I don't see WHY that would be offensive to such good people leading such a diligent and loving flock.

Junior officials wrote the memo following a brainstorming session intended to discuss ideas for the visit, the first to Britain by the head of the Roman Catholic Church since Pope John Paul II in 1982.

Though some included advice for Britain's government on how to approach the abuse scandal, the ministry condemned many of the proposals as "ill-judged, naive and disrespectful."

Britain's ambassador to the Vatican, Francis Campbell, met senior Vatican officials offer a formal apology and one individual involved in drafting the memo has been transferred to other duties, the ministry said.

This is truly a thing of beauty. Several people opened their mouths and allowed their voices to be heard. I find it interesting that this memo was "leaked" so carelessly. Was it really? I also find it curious that only ONE of the participating parties was punished, and by punished, I mean "transferred". How appropriate, after all, isn't that what Popey on High did with his offending priests as Red Hat Wearing Ratfucker? Oh, the Karma. Well played, ministry. I feel that transfer was MORE than the aprropriate punishment, in light of the behavior of the "falsely offended" members of the vatican.

"The Foreign Office very much regrets this incident and is deeply sorry for the offense which it has caused," the ministry said in a statement. "We strongly value the close and productive relationship between the U.K. government and the Holy See and look forward to deepening this further with the visit of Pope Benedict to the U.K."

The document featured a diagram listing people likely to have an influential role during, or in commenting on, the visit — which ranked Scottish singer Susan Boyle, the surprise reality television star, as more important than Archbishop of Westminster Vincent Nichols, the head of the Catholic Church in England and Wales.

An accompanying note acknowledged many of the ideas contained in the memo were extreme. "These should not be shared externally...," it read, explaining the document was "the product of a brainstorm which took into account even the most far-fetched of ideas."

Translation: "We are sooooo sorry that we hurted your feewings, but guess what? Susan Boyle is more important than your archbishop!" I also love the attatched memo to the memo. "Don't hold us accountable, after all, these are just far fetched as they are, we are looking into them. *wink wink*"

Vatican spokesman Rev. Federico Lombardi said an apology from Britain had been received through the Holy See's embassy. "They supplied all the explanations, and there is nothing to add," Lombardi said.

Do I sense a large roll of duct tape with this one? Lombardi FINALLY kept his mouth shut? I guess he would have to, after all, how can one argue with, "oops, my bad...don't know how you saw that...we are looking into it...we transferred one else...kinda."

Sheer perfection.

Britain's Scotland Secretary Jim Murphy on Sunday branded the suggestions contained in the memo as despicable. "These are vile, they're insulting, an embarrassment, and on behalf of the whole of the United Kingdom, I would want to apologize," he said, during an election debate.

During his visit to Scotland and England, Pope Benedict XVI will give a speech in London, attend an ecumenical service at Westminster Abbey and conduct a public mass in Glasgow's Bellahouston Park.

Then the blowhard speaks. There is a key phrase here that can explain his "outrage". Do you see it? "DURING AN ELECTION DEBATE".

Nice try, Jimmy.

So, the changes that have been ever so subtle in the past eighteen years since Ms. O'Connor's performance are that people are not so afraid to speak out against big organizations that shroud themselves in "respect". The penalty seems to have also lessened as the shock waves of the corruption of Catholicism ripple accross the globe.

Thank you, Sinead. I will only accept your apology for apologizing. All those who call out the wrong doings of the most powerful should raise their heads high, and pity those who live in fear of reprisal from those who, themselves, have recently fallen from grace.

I have a headache? *blink*

Is Roethlisberger's brain trauma at fault for recent behavior?

By Carl Prine
Sunday, April 25, 2010

On Nov. 22, the helmeted head of Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger met the knee of onrushing Kansas City Chiefs linebacker Derrick Johnson.

The quarterback with two Super Bowl rings wobbled off the field and sat out the next game. Less than four months later, he stood accused of raping a Georgia student in a Milledgeville nightclub, and quiet questions began: Six years in the National Football League, 242 sacks, four serious head traumas -- three on the field and one from a nearly fatal 2006 motorcycle crash -- and two sexual assault allegations after boozy evenings in Nevada and Georgia.

On Wednesday, NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell ordered Roethlisberger, 28, to undergo a battery of medical tests, part of a conditional punishment plan that could bench him for up to six games and cost him about $2.8 million.

Medical experts consulted by the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review refused to diagnose the root causes of Roethlisberger's pattern of self-destructive behavior. But frontal lobe brain trauma has long been known to affect mood, judgment, interpersonal relations, foresight and the inhibition that keeps most others from displaying inappropriate social behavior -- what's called "executive function" by neurologists and psychiatrists.

*beats head off of keyboard*

Hey ladies! Forget about Viagra! Juat whack him a few times in his frontal lobe!


Back up the stupid express for just one minute, please. Our "beloved" Big Ben Roethlisberger has now, for AT LEAST, the second time, been accused of sexual assault. Lucky for his stupid ass, there wasn't enough DNA to determine more than the fact that she had sex with a human. I am not making that up. So, the girl dropped the charges so as to NOT be vilified by the media in good ol' Pittsburgh Pennsyltucky. Big Ben (that has new meaning now) is now suspended for six games as punishment from the NFL (No Fucking Logic).

This is my favorite part...

"Ben Roethlisberger is a guy with a lot of concussions," said famed forensic pathologist Cyril Wecht. "It would be a very wise decision, a very appropriate one, for the NFL to test him for damage related to them. That's being very fair to Ben.

"It's conceivable to think that there is a possibility that those concussions have led to some behavioral issues. The question I pose is simple: Can someone with several chronic or repetitive head injuries later display behavior that is socially undesirable? It's certainly possible, but we won't know that unless there is a proper evaluation, then work-up and treatment plan. It would be medically negligent not to include these sorts of tests as a part of this disciplinary process."

Oh Mr. Wecht, I know that you too have been caught with your pants down, so to speak, but really, this is no way for you to redeem yourself politically. You seem to think that this city gives a shit about a player when he is NOT winning gold rings. You are a forensic pathologist. How about you wait until Ben is dead before you render your diagnosis and concerns, k?

This is pretty good too...

Wecht doesn't want to excuse Big Ben's boorish behavior, only to ask the NFL to strongly consider the causes of it, including underlying brain trauma. The former Allegheny County coroner was so concerned with the issue that he convened a March 12 and 13 pow-wow of leading concussion experts at Duquesne University -- a conference he provocatively titled "Is Football Bad for the Brain?"

IS FOOTBALL BAD FOR THE BRAIN???? Again, are you FUCKING KIDDING ME??? No, not a problem to be hit in the head repeatedly, Mr. Wecht. I see why you make the big bucks there, genius.

I think that the question is, "should we excuse someone who gets paid A LOT of money to be hit in the head, for bad behavior that may or may not be attributed to his CHOICE in profession?"

Jesus jumped up FUCK, people! This asshole was an asshole long before he took a few whacks from defensive linemen. You know how I know that? BECAUSE HE JOINED THE NFL! That seems to be all you morons recruit anymore. (again, thank you, Titans!)

Please explain to me again, why it is that Ben likes to fuck young girls who are drunk out of their minds in public places...I will be on the edge of my seat waiting to hear how it is actually the lineman's fault for hitting Benny too hard.

I say, HIT HIM AGAIN! Hit this asshole as many times as it takes to get through his ego driven skull that women are not objects to be abused and left as garbage!

Maybe we should hold the entire NFL responsible for promoting an event that causes men to rape women. How does THAT sound, you feeble minded twits? No? You don't like that? Then stop making excuses for assholes who choose to live their lives as a perpetual twelve year old, including playing a game for a living and doing things that they have been told repeatedly NOT to do!

If you can't control your gladiators because they have "frontal lobe" damage..then do us all a favor and put them back in their cages.

In a society that LOVES to make excuses and lay blame for bad behavior, you sure have stepped up your game with this one.

Ben's representatives won't comment. HAHAHA! Even THEY know this is bullshit!

Stop this crap. They know the risks when they join this idiotic organization. I don't see why you have to make the rest of us unsafe by justifying what they KNOW can be a result of their choices.

Concussions can make a pro ball player into an asshole rapist. Beautiful.

"Until we examine a lot of people like Ben Roethlisberger and study the histories of brain injury and relate them to exhibited behavior, we won't be able to answer the essential questions that need to be answered," Mayer said. "There's so much more we need to know."

That's why the NFL last week donated $1 million to Boston University to study chronic traumatic encephalopathy. Known simply as "CTE" or "punchdrunk syndrome," it's a degenerative brain condition that affects cognition and player conduct, eventually leading to dementia. Post-mortem examinations of the brains of Steelers Terry Long, Justin Strzelczyk and Hall of Fame center Mike Webster found evidence of the syndrome.

"punchdrunk syndrome"? You mean, "I am a moron syndrome". I let another man beat me senseless, and then I can do whatever I want because of it.

How do you plan on "preventing" this so-called condition of turning an otherwise "great all American guy" into a douche bag?

Maybe bigger helmets? No? about you just play flag football. No?

You won't do shit about it. I know this because it is the violence and physical strain of the game that puts asses in the seats. Those asses pay for your private jets.

Good luck selling flag football tickets, or banning hitting someone in the head.

Just another excuse to add to the list of staggeringly stupid shit spouted by both the medical community and it's parnership with the NFL.

You never cease to disappoint.

Holy shit! I just became a Titans fan!

Titans get Rhodes Scholar Myron Rolle in sixth round
By Doug Farrar

The Tennessee Titans may have questions about what they see on game film from their sixth-round safety, but there won't be any questions about his intelligence, determination or character. With the 207th overall pick (the final pick in the sixth round), Tennessee drafted Florida State's Myron Rolle. There's some real football skill there, but it's what Rolle did outside of football in the 2009 season that made news.

Rolle, who graduated in 2 ½ years from Florida State with a 3.75 GPA, spent the 2009 football season as a Rhodes Scholar, studying in Oxford, England at the highest academic level. Still, he was labeled by some as a football deserter - someone whose love for the game was questioned. He came back to the game in time for all the 2010 pre-draft activities, recording decent numbers at the scouting combine and in a private workout for NFL scouts.,236457

In recent years, I have all but refused to watch professional sporting events in the U.S. The reasons are not that complicated. I am tired of hearing about how our overpaid, over-indulged, severely character flawed athletes are "American heros". Thanks to Ben Roethlisberger, my city has, yet again, sustained embarrassment thanks to one of our so-called heros. Ben, apparently, has an affinity for young, drunk college students, and can't seem to sort out the need for self control. This is, of course, after having the pleasure of other "heros" like Plaxico Burres, the idiot who shot himself in the leg. Ahh, the glory of the NFL.

Now, here comes Mr. Rolle. A Rhodes Scholar??? Unbelieveable. For an organization who prides themselves on the "character" of their members, "character" certainly is in short supply. I am happy to see that someone with a brain, priority systems, and character FINALLY entered their ranks. Congratulations, Dr. Rolle. What a novel concept, Mr. Rolle explains that exercizing his brain is just as important and necessary as exercizing his body. As a matter of fact, he delves further and explains that it is NECESSARY to exercize both. Stunning.

So, I will make this short. If the parents out there reading this have half a brain in their heads, they will tell their children EXACTLY what constitutes a role model, and Mr. Rolle is it. I don't care if he warms the bench for ten years. This man has accomplished more than imaginable for most people, and he did it with determination and intelligence. THAT is a role model...even without a Super Bowl ring.

Congratulations to the Tennessee Titans, he may have been a last round choice, but to those of us who are tired of the bullshit of the NFL, you just redeemed a little bit of my respect. For what it is worth...

This year, I will watch the Titans...and hope to see Dr. Rolle take the field, just so that I can tell my sons who he is.

Oh, and on a side note, a young, athletically gifted, brilliant young man...and he is BLACK! LOL The Kryptonite of the Republican party. It is a true thing of hurry up, trailor dwelling, conservative NFL fans, buy his jersey! HAHAHA!

Mother, May I?

I remember being a small child and playing "Mother, may I?" on the school playground. For those of you who have never played that game, (this is specifically directed at you!) it was a game of trickery and manners. One child stood a distance from a line of other children. The "mother" child would give instructions like "take one giant step forward". The other children then had to respond with "Mother, may I?". Permission was then either granted or denied. If the child did not state "Mother, may I?" before carrying out the action, they went back to the starting line. The "mother" child would use inflection and speed of the command to trick the child into NOT saying the proper response.The first child to be able to reach out and touch "mother" was declared the winner, and had the privledge of becoming "mother" in the next round.

I took my ten year old son to work with me this past week, in honor of "take your child to work day", which apparently interferes with the public school system's state fund raising...otherwise known as "standardized testing". However, that is another rant for another day.

My son awakened at 4:45am in excitement for his journey to work with Mom. I am employed in a labor capacity with ALL MEN! This is a ten year old boy's dream job. He was excited to see our equipment and get a ride in the infamous John Deere Gator that he has heard so much about. We stopped at the local gas station for snacks and coffee for Mom. He placed his snacks on the counter and said "good morning!" to the young man that rings up my coffee every morning. The young man smiled and conversed with Adam for several minutes about the excitement of his day. Adam then bound out the front door smiling and thanking the young man for wishing him well in his adventure.

While we drove the 45 minutes it takes for me to arrive at work, I reminded Adam to please use his good manners and to closely follow instructions while in the workplace. I have three sons, ages almost 15, almost 13 and 10. (Some days I wish that I could put a shot of Whiskey in my coffee!) Adam is the one who requires constant reminders about EVERYTHING. I was a little stressed out about taking this particular child to work with me that day. He is my "difficult" child. He is strong willed and high energy at all times. This is a parenting challenge, to say the least.

Our first task of the day is to clean the litter from the sidewalks of several city blocks. Adam happily, and dutifully went about his task without complaint, and even listened when I told him to try NOT to get run over by a bus. Whew, first stressor dealt with. Along his journey, we ran into one of the department managers. I introduced Adam to him, and Adam reached out his hand and said, "Hello, Mr. ___". I was so proud of him. When the man walked away, Adam asked me if he was a boss. I said yes, and asked him how he knew that. He said, "He looked like a boss, and he wears a tie, Mom...geeez *eye roll*". Well played, Adam.

Adam worked well with my co-workers, and remembered to always give them a title when speaking directly to them. Mr. Mike was his favorite. He helped him bend a penny in a vice. Oh, the things that entertain males. Mr. Dave showed him how the Robins will eat the grubs from the newly cut sod, and helped Adam up when he stumbled and fell, landing a large piece of sod directly over his face. Adam got up laughing, and Mr. Dave couldn't help but laugh along. Mr. Alex commiserated endlessly with Adam over the pains of dealing with Mom everyday. Thanks, Alex. Mr. Joe showed Adam how to use the mower, and even let him cut for a while. Adam beamed all day long. I began to wonder if his face would cramp from the permanent smile.

Finally, it is lunchtime. We go to the Cafe located on the seventh floor, and I am anxious for Adam to meet one of the nicest people employed in this hospital, another Mr. Joe. He is the head chef. Adam meets him, shakes his hand and carries a fairly long conversation about his day thus far. Then it is time to order lunch, and Adam does so, remembering to say "please" and "thank you". He gobbled down his personally crafted grilled cheese (just what head culinary chef LOVES to prepare) and we head back to work for the afternoon. We saw, and met several more managers throughout the day, and even a Vice President. Adam carried himself like a proud little man, and never needed further reminding of how to behave.

When I went to the Cafe the following day to order my lunch, the man behind the counter asked to speak with me for a moment. He stated that he was stunned by Adam's behavior and complimented me on how polite and happy he was. I actually hear this quite often in reference to all three of my boys, and have heard it since they were very young. I replied to him with thanks and told him that it saddens me that my son stands out, simply because he was respectful. He proceded to tell me that there were many children in there the previous day, they were children of doctors, administrators and CFOs. He said that they were rude and demanding, just like their parents. He thanked me again for raising a son that knows how to treat people, even the lowly people working behind a counter. I laughed and said, "It isn't that difficult, when you understand what it feels like to be viewed as "lowly".

I was proud of my son that day, and everyday for various things. You see, I spend my day observing people, and their behavior. I see people bump into each other without even so much as an "excuse me". I see them drop doors on the people entering behind them. I see them berate the men and women at the information desk, as if they are not even worthy of basic human respect. I see you refuse to hang up your cell phone, or even take pause when ordering your lunch. I rarely hear the words, "please" or "thank you". I see children damaging other's property or running around screaming while the mother or father chats away on their phone, or simply ignores them. I hear children calling adults by their first names and seemingly not even know the existance of the word, "please" when making a request.

I have taught my sons to ALWAYS hold a door for someone, especially someone struggling with it, even if you don't plan on entering yourself. I have taught them to help people when they see the need for it. I have instructed them repeatedly on the need to show respect and poise when faced with someone deserving of it. They are to ALWAYS show basic human kindness and respect, and if they do not, they will be reprimaded for it, even if god himself is standing there. The incredible thing is, I don't have to remind them. They see the positive reactions and benefits of behaving properly, and they continue with what is CLEARLY working for them. My 15 years old son can enter the local store or mall with his friends, and NOT be followed by the manager or security simply because he has carried himself appropriately and spoken with respect to those people.

I suppose that I am not so much speaking about manners, as I am about respect and kindness. Does one not reflect another? Where did this lost art go? Is it really that difficult to take a moment to tap into your instinctual human empathy and behave the way that you would like to see other behave toward you? Why have we lost this skill? Granted, it is difficult to smile through the rudeness of others, but why do we succumb to the same behavior? I am guilty of that, myself. When met with someone who behaves in a way that is disgusting or distainful, I will open my mouth and give them a little dose of their own medicine. That, in itself, is a delicate art. I am not so delicate. LOL I have been chastised by my own sons for that very behavior. Good for them, even their mother is not exempt from behaving appropriately.

I wonder, as they grow older, will they succumb to the frustration of dealing within a rude and self-serving society? Have I actually harmed their ability to deal in a world where their behavior is all but rendered obsolete? I truly hope not. I write this, in the hope that there are others feeling the same frustration and confusion. I also write it in the hopes that some of you will pull your heads from your asses and start raising your children as human beings instead of wild animals with no self control or language skills!

There is a fast food restaurant near where I work, and the sign on the front counter states this....

"We will be more than happy to assist you when you hang up your phone. Until then, we will take the next customer in line. Thank you, MGMT."

Good for you. It's a start.

Jesus, people. You are being parented by Burger King. Wake up.

Friday, April 23, 2010

I stop.....and think...

Death of 'Caveman' ends an era in Idaho
Richard Zimmerman, known to all as Dugout Dick, succumbs at 94.

Known as the "Salmon River Caveman," Richard Zimmerman lived an essentially 19th century lifestyle, a digital-age anachronism who never owned a telephone or a television and lived almost entirely off the land.

"He was in his home at the caves at the end, and it was his wish to die there," said Connie Fitte, who lived across the river. "He was the epitome of the free spirit."

Richard Zimmerman had been in declining health when he died Wednesday.

Few knew him by his given name. To friends and visitors to his jumble of cave-like homes scrabbled from a rocky shoulder of the Salmon River, he was Dugout Dick.

Read more:

I had never heard of this man prior to reading this article. I intend to do some more reading about him and those who lived similar lives. I find it humorous that I will use technology to research such a man, but that is the very thought that made me take pause, and....think.

I thought about my life, and what a stark contrast it is to his. I am somewhat resistant to technology,or at least I thought I was. I refused to use computers for many years. I refused to allow my children to use the internet for what seemed, to them, to be an eternity. I resisted texting and cell phones, to the point of teasing from friends...well...that is...until recently. I have "caved" to all of the pressures of "necessary technology".

When I try to imagine a life lived entirely dependent upon one's own resources and personal resolve, I cannot fathom the loneliness. I wonder if he felt profound loneliness, or a peace that is immeasurable by the technologically savvy world that he left behind. There is a part of me that envies him tremendously. I cannot imagine the beauty that he experienced. I have seen starry nights and beautiful sunsets. I imagine a man quietly strumming his guitar with nothing to interfere with the pure sound of music created from an uninterrupted emotion. If I combine those beautiful nights with a sound so pure, my mind wanders into what feels like a dream. One of the most beautiful sounds on this earth is the sound of rain falling in harmony with nature. I wonder how many nights he fell asleep to the rhythm of raindrops and the sounds of animals that live as freely as he did. Is that what his music sounded like? I wish I could have heard it, just once. Where did his mind go when he felt peace? I would love to visit that place.

The Earth yielded everything that he required to stay alive. He worked hand in hand with what we disposed of, discarded, and what we take for granted, just to sustain his life...for over 90 years. I find myself in a very strange emotional place while I think of what it must have been like to be him. What was it like to fall asleep in pure silence without the touch of human companionship? It saddens me to think that he lacked one of the greatest feelings on this incredible planet, while experiencing things that most of us will never know. His life could not have been an easy one. To have the soil yield what your body needs to live, or to have animals provide necessary sustenance, you must nurture both...and then destroy them. We, "civilized society", have the pleasure of not raising and nurturing the animals that we eat. We find it a difficult task to even find the time and energy to gather our food at a market where the sweat and ugly part of killing our food has already been done for us. Was he a callous man who could raise an animal from a baby, kill it, and devour it with the idea that "that is just what we do to survive", or did he truly realize the harsh reality of nature's food chain, and accept his place within it?

We have gardens on our patios, or little fenced in areas where we grow things as a hobby. I don't know anyone who sustains their family off of what they grow on their own. We go to our local large chain store, or if you are a more caring person, you head to your local nursery and gather your seedlings, fertilizer, soil, animal repellent, stakes and cages, pots, cute little plant labels, and even ridiculous trinkets to decorate our gardens. What would he say about that? I imagine him laughing at our inability to keep our tomatoes from falling off the vine before they ripen, and then running inside to Google "tomato falls off vine before ripe". Did he use the eggshells from his chickens to prevent the blossom end rot that we would take an hour to determine after asking three different "professionals"? Well, I know he didn't buy a fungicide sold to him by a teenager wearing an orange apron. I have heard so many people say, "I would love to grow my own fruits and vegetables, but it is just too much of a hassle, and I don't have time for that." These are the same people who complain relentlessly about the sub standard quality of those same items sold by their local grocer.

This man took, what we considered "trash", and used it as if it were brand new. Then, incredibly, WE paid him to live in it! He did not charge a fee that would ever make him wealthy, but merely enough to help him to survive. How many times have we all heard this, "My_____ broke this weekend, so I thought about fixing it. I spent all weekend trying to find the parts, and then I realized that I needed a new tool to fix it, so I said 'to hell with it', and I just bought a new one. It only cost me___ more to buy a new one than to fix it." Well, not only did he "fix it", but he may have just used is. He used it the way you left it...broken. Is a door really "broken" or "outdated", or are we just spoiled over-indulged brats?

As I sit here, I hear the pump running on my fishtank. I hear the (riding) mower outside. I hear the noise from my son's room, and the sound of the fan in my laptop, and I wonder to myself, is this the music of MY life? My refrigerator is full of food purchased from someone who paid someone else to kill or harvest it. My windows have just them to keep out the damaging rays of the sun that could fade the paint on my walls. I have a new "energy efficient" furnace with a filtration system to keep out of of those nasty things that the guy who sold it to me said were there. I have three vehicles sitting in my driveway, one of which is one of my favorite possessions. I pay $20 more for a bag of dog food because my dog is allergic the others. I complain relentlessly about how my job barely allows me to make ends meet, but the good news is, I can drive home in my truck.

I am actually a "blue collar" worker. Yes, I get dirty and I sweat to earn my paycheck. Until now, I thought I had a physically demanding job. What I realized is that someone else provides me the opportunity to get dirty and sweat, no one provided that to him. He did it on his own, and relied solely on himself to provide even the soil that stained his clothes. I doubt that he used Oxy Clean or Tide to remove that soil. I wonder if he even cared that it was there.

His photograph is one of a man who has been beaten by the sun, and soaked by the rain for 94 years. We hear the lyrics to songs that talk about the callouses of an old man's hands. I looked at my hands, just now, and I can see the callouses of my life, and the age creeping into the crevices of my fingers. What did his hands look like when he was my age? My hands have held my sons, and felt the touch of the people that I love. Will they remember the feel of my touch? I am a woman, and we have built an entire industry around our skin and our appearance, but he never saw or felt you. I doubt that he ever knew or cared what "alpha hydroxy" was or was supposed to do. Come to think of it, neither do I, and I bet you don't either.

My goodness, how we strive to have so much, and we don't even know what it's purpose is. To us, music is what comes out of expensive speakers mounted in just the right places to accomplish the perfect sound. What was music to him? What inspired him to pick up that guitar and play it? Would we have even considered it to be any good? I guess to understand whether or not it was "good", we would have to feel what inspired it. What a shame, we never will.

I do not envy the hard work that was required to live the life that he chose, and I do not envy the loss of human companionship. I do, however, envy the freedom that he experienced. It came at a heavy price, and that was the life that I lead. I wish that I could have heard his music and felt his hands. I wish that I could have seen the sights that surrounded him and felt the rhythm of the rain, in the ways that he did. But, I would then like to awaken from my dream, and see the people that I love, and hold my sons after a long day at work.

Life is full of choices, consequences, and reward. I try to keep a balance in my life that allows me to experience this world and yet remain a part of it. He chose to leave it behind, and live by his own hand. It is an admirable and poetic existence. I am not a poet, and I do not seek to be admired. My guess is, neither was he, nor was that his desire.

So, I have decided that I will be happy in my life, and hope that he was happy in his. There are people in this world who strive for fame and notoriety, yet he did everything to avoid it. In his attempts at closing out the rest of the world, he invited us in. Thank you, Mr. Zimmerman, for giving us a look at the world that we live in. Sometimes, it takes just stopping and trying to see the world through someone else's eyes, just to see it through your own.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

..and Ratzinger hums...."The Good Old Days..."

I am not quite sure what word to use that truly encompasses the idea that welcoming a Holocaust denier wasn't all that bad of a PR move in light of Ratzinger's current political quandry.

The case prompted a rare comment on religious matters by German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who called on Benedict to "clarify unambiguously that there can be no denial" the Nazis killed six million Jews.

The German pope later admitted mistakes in his handling of the case, saying he was unaware of Williamson's latest remarks and stressed that it was "intolerable" to dispute the facts of the Holocaust.

The trial comes amid a ballooning sexual abuse scandal rocking the Catholic church, with hundreds of people coming forward in Germany and other countries around the world saying they were molested by predatory priests.

Benedict himself has been accused of turning a blind eye to abuse before he became pope.

Williamson has said he wished to apologise to anyone offended by his comments but has refused to retract his assertions, saying only that he would re-examine the historical evidence.

The court on Friday heard an excerpt of the interview, in which Williamson is heard telling the interviewer: "Be careful, this is against the law in Germany."

So, Dick, you are going to "re-examine the historical evidence", huh? *blink* Let me help you. Before Hitler's regime, there were a lot of Jews. After Hitler's regime, there were a whole lot less Jews. Where did they go? YOU are going to re-examine the evidence..LOL. I will be waiting on the edge of my seat to FINALLY have the REAL truth, as provided by a mid-ranking minion of a large cult. You do that, Dick. Find the truth, and then type it all out in Latin, and we can call it your "manifesto". Countless historians have weighed in on the subject, but it is YOUR research that has us completely spellbound. I can't wait to read about your explanation for the survivors tales of torture, and eye witness accounts of what vast suffering plagued their friends, families and neighbors. Maybe those tattoos they sport are numbers from their stay in Hitler's most elite country clubs. Maybe they weren't really tortured and killed in the gas chambers. Maybe they all got together and orchestrated the largest "disappearance" in human history. Geeesh, you would think that you deniers would have found a few of them by now. Maybe Hitler and the Nazis used their Acme ray guns and vaporized them! Maybe it was 10,000 Jews, maybe 300,000...or maybe 6 million. WHAT THE FUCK DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE???

Oh, I know the answer to that one. You think that "THE JEWS" have extorted an excessive amount of funds due to exagerated claims of loss of life and crimes against humanity. Your own deep rooted hatred of an entire group of people based upon their faith has blinded you to human suffering and made this entire thing about money. Well I have to say, you joined the right group.

I can give you some peace, here. Shhh, don't tell anyone, but pope Ratfucker agrees with you. He just can't say it out loud because people are listening, and THAT would be bad! It is NEVER good, when attempting to gather support, to use unpopular speech. (If you are following along, you know who said that.) You don't like when a group with a different view has more financial backing than you do. You feel threatened by their numbers and the loyalty of their followers. HAHA! Oh, the irony.

So, you are going to try to diminish the amount of deaths, and the level of inhumanity of the crimes. Good luck with that. The average moderately intelligent person does not care if it was 10,000...300,000 or 6 million. You see, we aren't blinded by some ficticious war over a sandy haired, blue eyed (*blink*) hippie who tried to tell people to stop being assholes. It is amazing how one can sum up your bullshit in one sentence. Listen, maybe they killed him, maybe they didn't. Look at it this way, if they should THANK them! His death is what allows you to sin freely, and without reprisal from that god guy! Which brings me to the whole point of this snark and irony...What other skeletons do you have in your closet, Dick?

Frank Collin, a native of Chicago, joined George Lincoln Rockwell's National-Socialist White People's Party in the 1960s. He broke with the NSWPP due to a disagreement with Rockwell's successor, Matt Koehl, who had assumed the leadership role by popular vote after Rockwell's August 25, 1967 assassination by a disgruntled member, John Patsalos, who used the name "John Patler" during his tenure in the NSWPP.

Collin's downfall began with the revelation that his father, Max Simon Collin, was a Jew whose original surname had been "Cohen". Max Cohen/Collin claimed to have been a prisoner at Dachau concentration camp, where Frank Collin was said to have been conceived.

While president of the NSPA, Collin was arrested by Michigan police while having sex with a pair of 10-year-old boys. These revelations led to his dismissal from the neo-Nazi movement. A psychiatrist who interviewed Collin declared that he was "consumed by hatred for his father"; it was argued that Collin rejected his father by becoming a neo-Nazi and adopting and publicly espousing antisemitic beliefs.

Collin was convicted of child molestation and sent to Pontiac prison in 1979.[2] He served three years of a seven year sentence.

Uh oh. Is this a common link? You see, Dick, there is a common occurance among molesters,and that is deep rooted self hatred. In order to gain power over those feelings, the mentally disturbed molester will target someone or something else to hate. When hatred grows to a painful level, the victimizer releases that hatred in a need to cause another the pain and suffering that they feel. That was complicated, I know. Let me put it this way, the Nazi groups here in the US recruit young boys and hide them deep in wooded areas. They hide from the general public and indoctrinate the youth, many of whom come from horrible backgrounds, with their hatred and need for vengeance. One of their tools is molestation.

I am not, in the least bit surprised, to find common psychological disorders within your ranks. You are ALL narcissistic personalities determined to have the final any and all costs. Those costs include our children, and the mental stability of your followers.

Oh poor popey Ratfucker. He has quite a mess to sort out...and frankly, he isn't that good of a PR guy. Maybe a more charismatic speaker is required to get you out of this mess....I can think of one...

As a Christian I have no duty to allow myself to be cheated, but I have the duty to be a fighter for truth and justice.

Adolph Hitler

Thursday, April 15, 2010

It's time to pray.

Hartford, Connecticut (CNN) -- A bill in Connecticut's legislature that would remove the statute of limitations on child sexual abuse cases has sparked a fervent response from the state's Roman Catholic bishops, who released a letter to parishioners Saturday imploring them to oppose the measure.

Politics from the pulpit? What happened to your fantasy of separation of church and state? I guess since YOU don't abide by "the rules", then neither will we. TIME TO PAY TAXES! So, the men in red dresses speak out again. This is priceless.

The proposed change to the law would put "all Church institutions, including your parish, at risk," says the letter, which was signed by Connecticut's three Roman Catholic bishops.

The letter is posted on the Web site of the Connecticut Catholic Public Affairs Conference, the public policy and advocacy office of Connecticut's Catholic bishops. It asks parishioners to contact their legislators in opposition of the bill.

The "legislation would undermine the mission of the Catholic Church in Connecticut, threatening our parishes, our schools, and our Catholic Charities," the letter says.

The Catholic archdiocese of Hartford also published a pulpit announcement on its Web site, which was to be read during Mass on Sunday, urging parishioners to express opposition to the bill.

What I want to know is, how the fuck a supposedly sentinent human being can sit on a wooden bench, hear their puppet say "oppose legislation that erradicates the statute of limitations" on the worst crime imaginable, and nod their heads in agreement.

Listen you fuckin idiots, if you are not harboring molesters, and the "false accusers" have no evidence of the alleged crimes, you have nothing to worry about. But you know better, don't KNOW that you are harboring molesters, and you care more about your fucking church than you do about your fellow man. Typical arrogant Catholics. Do you jackasses even know that one of the classic traits of a cult and a cult leader is paranoia? Yes, it is true. ALL cults and their leaders show a fear of reprisal for the purity of their beliefs, and pass that fear to their willing sheep. They wipe away their wrong doing by claiming that there is a conspiracy afoot designed to destroy what you hold so dear...your lies.

What really goes through your head when you hear the red dress guy say, "all church institutions are at risk, including your parish..."? Please tell me that you wonder if they know something you don't, like that YOUR priest is a molester. Because any other thought is simply paranoia and conjured fear at the hands of manipulative cult leaders. Will you think twice about their stand on this issue? Do you even ask yourselves why the need for such fear?

To help you, I suggest that you read up on the lifelong effects of sexual abuse. It can take decades for a victim to come to terms with what happened to them. Their lives are forever altered from that moment forward, whether they consciously realize it or not. The least that we, as acommunity, can give them, is time. I am willing to give them a lifetime to find peace...yet you Catholics won't. UN FUCKING BELIEVEABLE!

I have another suggestion, be careful campaigning from the pulpit, because one day, you may find yourselves being hit where it hurts more than just bad PR. We will hit you in the wallet. Let me help you out with this one. Instead of waiting for living, breathing human beings to listen to you....try this one out...

Dear god...

Please use your hand of justice and help the people to see the truth and love within your church. Guide us and give us the strength to find the flaws within our own humanity, and see the sufferings of those who have been hurt by evil that has infiltrated your church. May our courts be fair, and just, and may all those who have brought harm to our children be punished by human laws guided by your hand, and may they face final judgement before you. We give our trust and our faith to you, almighty god.

There. See? He will fix shut the fuck up...and see the power of your "god" in action.

Good luck with that. In the meantime, we will put your priests, bishops...and even your pope behind bars, if THAT is what OUR laws determine.

You better start praying for the right things...1,000 years is sufficient time to figure out what the "right thing" is, don't you think?

fuckin hypocrites.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Could you PLEASE keep your god and your politics OUT of my uterus??

LINCOLN, Neb. – Two first-of-their-kind laws in Nebraska put new restrictions on abortion, including one that uses a new legal rationale for a ban on later-term abortions.

That law bars the procedure at and after 20 weeks of pregnancy based on the assertion that fetuses can feel pain at that point. The other requires women be screened before having abortions for mental health issues and other risk factors indicating if they might have problems afterward.

A national abortion rights group already appeared to be girding for a legal challenge, calling the ban at or after 20 weeks "flatly unconstitutional."

Oh, enough of this bullshit. I still don't know, or care what the freakin constitution has to do with my uterus. Jesus Christ, they didn't even know what a uterus was when it was written. You can twist and turn the "rights of the individual" all day long, and you have yet to show me where the constitution mentions anything about governing an internal organ. Get a grip.

Here is my stand on abortion. I am Pro-Life for myself, and ONLY myself. I, however, want to know that if my child were to be born deformed or mentally deficient, that I retain the right to medically and safely terminate my pregnancy.

What the fuck is so complicated about that?

Listen to me, and listen carefully. IF a woman gets pregnant, and had the desire and ability to terminate the pregnancy JUST BECAUSE she was too "lazy" or "irresponsible" to be a mother, why the FUCK would you want her raising a child? You show me where, in the constitution, it states that YOU should have the right to make that determination.

Now, the rights of the father. There aren't any. When he decided to trust her to prevent the pregnancy, and didn't wrap his dick, he terminated his right to an opinion. He had another option, and that is to NOT ejaculate happily inside of her, OR to decline having sex at all if he felt that he did not want to risk creating a child that she may abort.

Next issue, drug addicted mothers. Yeah, good plan assholes. Force THEM to give birth. How many crack babies are YOU willing to raise when they are placed in our already overburdened foster care system? Oh, none? Then shut up.

Do I really have to address rape, incest and twelve year old mothers? If I do, you are not worth talking to.

I do not give a rats ass what fictional diety you believe in, or how far on the right side of the fence you sit. You have NO right to tell a woman what she can and cannot do with what is contained within her own body. Period. You jeopardize ALL of our rights when you force these issues. How much would you like US to invade YOUR body?

You are so fucking desperate now, that you have decided when a fetus can feel pain? Really? What the fuck difference does THAT make? You seem to care very little for the pain of growing up with a crack addicted mother. Morons.

We can split hairs all day long on the issue of what is a "baby", what is a "fetus"..blah blah

How about this...

You give birth to your babies..

and leave the fetus killing up to the rational and not deluded...


Oh, and by the way, do us all a favor. When you give birth to your one armed, three legged drooling pile of skin, keep it the hell out of OUR liberal social programs, would ya?

After all, you guys keep cutting the leave what is left for the "welfare sucking" liberals that were forced to give birth. I will happily pay for them, AND adopt their children. I doubt that you would.


Excuse me, Mr. Lombardi, has celibacy made you...cranky...or just frustratingly arrogant...

Asked about this at a briefing on the pope's trip to Malta this weekend, Vatican spokesman Father Federico Lombardi scoffed.

"This is a bizarre idea to say the least. It looks like the intent is to make a public opinion splash. I think they should look for something more serious and concrete before we can respond to it," he said.

"The pope's visit (to Britain) is a visit of state, and so it would be very strange if during a state visit the person who is invited to make a state visit is arrested," he said.

Can you say "POLITICAL LIABILTY"? This asshole wouldn't know "concrete" unless it was in the foundation of another monsterous, gold encrusted know, a church.

Did this pompous ass just demand "something more serious and concrete"? Really?

Scoff away, you arrogant, out of touch, hypocritical, heartless pile of dog shit! Everytime you speak, I can hear the sounds of silence in your tithing baskets. Keep talking, asshole.

THIS, of course, is my enjoy...

6. The pope's recent trip to the Holy Land was probably the last place on earth where the Vatican would want to launch a news cycle dedicated to Benedict and the Hitler Youth, but that is precisely what happened. In a May 12 press conference, responding to media commentary on the pope's visit and speech at the Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial, Father Lombardi vehemently denied that the young Joseph Ratzinger had been enrolled in the Nazi Hitler Youth program. "The pope has said he never, never was a member of the Hitler Youth, which was a movement of fanatical volunteers," he said.

Then-Cardinal Ratzinger himself, however, in a 1996 book of interviews, Salt of the Earth, said that he had been drafted into the Hitler Youth, because membership in the movement had been made compulsory by the Nazi regime. Father Lombardi's clumsy attempt to deny something that the pope himself had already conceded long ago reawakened the story, prompting media agencies around the world to rehash the details.

"Father" Lombardi is a living, breathing example of what is wrong with, not just Catholicism, but organized religion as a whole. There is a level of "untouchable arrogance" in this man that just begs to be silenced.

It is ironic, that he is "head of the press office" that heads the "press office" for god. That makes me laugh. God can't talk directly to you. Then there is the Pope. He is human, right? Well, apparently, HE can't talk directly to you either. So, there is this "Press office" that speaks on his behalf. The head of this debacle is "Father" Lombardi. You Catholics sure do have A LOT of "middle men". Maybe this is why you are so fucked up. Listen, when ONE MAN cannot properly carry the message of ONE OTHER MAN correctly and the FUCK do you people trust all of the other crap that they spew? I mean, really, this isn't a long chain of command, is it? God...Pope...Lombardi. *eye roll*

I wonder if good ol' Ratzinger (Benedict, whatever) cringes when Lombardi speaks like husbands cringe when their wives speak after a few glasses of wine at the company Christmas party. I only ponder that because it seems as though Lombardi is taking quite a few liberties that he is not entitled to. I would think that the leader of such a wonderfully loving and tolerant religion would NEVER condone "scoffing" at the idea of being arrested for assisting in the cover up of countless cases of child molestation. Would he?

Let's talk about this, in all seriousness. This man, Ratzinger, is the closest thing you Catholics have to god, right? Why, then, does he require immunity under the title "head of state"? Isn't he the head of....oh...morality...righteousness....truth...sanctity...and on and on your bullshit goes. What does he have to hide? Why does he NOT open a FULL investigation into ALL claims of sexual abuse within his flock? Why does he hide? He hides behind the walls of a golden palace. He hides in a bulletproof carriage. He hides behind the misguided fumblings of Lombardi. He hides from his loyal followers, for fuck's sake!

If it were not for the suffering of countless abuse victims, I would find this humorous...but I do not.

The Vatican said on Tuesday Pope Benedict was willing to meet more sexual abuse victims but not under media pressure and scoffed at calls for the pope to be arrested when he visits Britain in September.

The pope feels that meetings with victims should take place "in a climate that is intentionally one of reflection, discreet, and not under pressure of the glare of the media, so he can have a real possibility to listen and communicate personally," Lombardi said.

The Vatican has rejected accusations the pope helped to cover up abuse by priests in jobs he held before his election in 2005 and has accused the media of waging a "despicable campaign of defamation" against him.

Is Ratzinger too busy campaigning for anti-abortion legislation or shutting down sex education for our youth that he cannot open the golden palace and hear the pleas and see the tears of his victimized followers? Does he need to repeatedly slap them in the face by speaking through a moron like Lombardi? Does this organization not, at the very least, owe these people the opportunity to speak, and provide the very proof that the asshole, Lombardi, demands?

Apparently not.

Instead, The Vatican just continues to spin and twist their way through lie after lie, and cover-up after cover-up. I see why you people so dutifully follow their lead. *blink*

You might want to think about just praying to your god in your kitchen. There is less room for "miscommunication" when going through "middle men". According to your own beliefs...he will hear you.

*eye roll*

The crisis over abuse of children by priests shows no sign of abating, with new revelations emerging almost daily and the Vatican scrambling to find a response strategy.

Scramble, twist, lie, manuipulate and deny...but know this. Justice will be man...not your delusions. time.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

"Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely"

I have listened to the braindead justifications spewed by the dutiful followers of the Catholic church since the onset of this "scandal". In my last post on this matter I made reference to a quote by Adolph Hitler. I want to post it again, being as it is quite fitting to the mindset of the bleating sheep.

All propaganda has to be popular and has to accommodate itself to the comprehension of the least intelligent of those whom it seeks to reach.

I have found that there are three "stock answers" that are given when questioned about their loyalty to an organization so massive and corrupt.

1. "I have been a practicing Catholic for _____ years, gone to church every Sunday, and I have never experienced anything like what they are accusing our priests of. This is just another example of them trying to destroy our faith."

2. "So there are a few 'bad priests'. Show me an organization that doesn't have problems. My priest/pastor is a good man, so it doesn't effect me."

but THIS one is my favorite...

3. "There are molesters everywhere. They are in our school systems, other churches, and our governments. The only reason they are attacking Catholics is because they are looking for a reason to destroy us. Look at that teacher that molested that boy, she was a public school teacher, but no one attacked public education the way they are attacking us. Plenty of other religions have problems with this too, we aren't any different."

Every time I hear one of these, or similar responses, it makes my eyes glaze over and I lose ten IQ points. Having a discussion with a Catholic about the corruption and history of their organization is like talking about gun control with a man who lives in a trailor and sleeps with his assault rifle under his beer stained mattress.

You can boil all three of these responses into very simple, child-like retorts.

1. "I don't care, it didn't happen to me. They are just picking on us because we are better than them."

2. "It's not that big of a deal. Leave us alone."

3. "Everyone else is doing it too! It isn't OUR fault! Stop picking on us!"

So, let's address this staggering blindness and immaturity for a minute. The one thing that I have noticed as a consistent reaction from their supporters is defensiveness. I do not understand this, at all. They feel the need to defend this organization as if it personally represents them. Their brains are that of a collective consciousness, and unable to break away and see the problem as it exists. This is not a complicated concept to grasp. This is about a systematic cover-up of continued abuse at the hands of their leaders. This is NOT about the amount of priests who offend. This is NOT about having one religion pitted against another. This is NOT about how many sex offenders there are in other groups and organizations. This is about betrayal and self preservation of big business at the cost of our children.

One thing that has been overlooked throughout this scandal, is the amount of women and men who have been raped by their priests. This is not something that is happening only to our children, but to anyone perceived as weaker and able to be controlled and manipulated by those who hold power within the ranks of the Catholic church.

Rape, molestation and sexual assault are about power. What grants more power to a person than the ability to control a belief system that dictates their victim's everyday lives? They creep into every crack and crevice within their minds and hearts and this behavior renders the victim as helpless. Therefore, every act committed by the one in power is seen as "guidance and love"...even rape. That, in itself, is an apalling abuse of power. Then you combine that with a system that buries these offenses "for the good of the church", and you have a breeding ground for EVERY SINGLE PERSON affiliated with this organization to be placed directly in harm's way.

Yet, much like the abused cult follower, they cannot and WILL NOT accept and aknowledge simple facts. I can only think that it is part of the indoctrination process to create followers that see "outsiders" as simply attacking them without cause. Their denial runs so deep that they cannot even see the dangers to their own children.

The difference between "those other religions and organizations" and the Vatican, is that they do not hold the financial and political power of the Vatican. They do not have the financial resources or ability to evade the law because of sheer numbers and immunity under the laws. Our public school systems are NOT sovereign states. They are subject to harsh and applicable laws when caught offending. The Catholic church is not. You are aware of molesters in our schools and in other faiths because they have been splattered all over our news media when they are ARRESTED AND IMPRISONED! You are NOT made aware of Catholic priests and nuns for the same reason. The intent of the Vatican is to shroud every accusation in controversy. It is a system of "we are looking into it" conbined with gross denail of the acts. How is this acceptable to people who have placed such trust and support behind them? These same people would be flailing their arms in rage over a similar accusation brought against a non secular member of their community. So much for God-like forgiveness to anyone viewed as an "outsider".

The future Pope Benedict XVI resisted pleas to defrock a California priest with a record of sexually molesting children, citing concerns including "the good of the universal church," according to a 1985 letter bearing his signature.

The letter, signed by then-Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, was typed in Latin and is part of years of correspondence between the Diocese of Oakland and the Vatican about the proposed defrocking of the Rev. Stephen Kiesle.

The Vatican confirmed Friday that it was Ratzinger's signature. "The press office doesn't believe it is necessary to respond to every single document taken out of context regarding particular legal situations," the Rev. Federico Lombardi said.

The diocese recommended removing Kiesle (KEEZ'-lee) from the priesthood in 1981, the year Ratzinger was appointed to head the Vatican office that shared responsibility for disciplining abusive priests.

The case then languished for four years at the Vatican before Ratzinger finally wrote to Oakland Bishop John Cummins. It was two more years before Kiesle was removed; during that time he continued to do volunteer work with children through the church.

In the November 1985 letter, Ratzinger says the arguments for removing Kiesle are of "grave significance" but added that such actions required very careful review and more time.

But the future pope also noted that any decision to defrock Kiesle must take into account the "good of the universal church" and the "detriment that granting the dispensation can provoke within the community of Christ's faithful, particularly considering the young age." Kiesle was 38 at the time.

Kiesle had been sentenced in 1978 to three years' probation after pleading no contest to misdemeanor charges of lewd conduct for tying up and molesting two young boys in a San Francisco Bay area church rectory.

Here is where I would like you to pause, and pay attention. Fr. Kiesle received a slap on the wrist for molestation and then was returned to the priesthood for nine more years, with full access to chldren....

As his probation ended in 1981, Kiesle asked to leave the priesthood and the diocese submitted papers to Rome to defrock him.

California church officials wrote to Ratzinger at least three times to check on the status of Kiesle's case and Cummins discussed the case with officials during a Vatican visit, according to correspondence. At one point, a Vatican official wrote to say the file may have been lost and suggested resubmitting materials.

As Kiesle's fate was being weighed in Rome, the priest returned to suburban Pinole to volunteer as a youth minister at St. Joseph Church, where he had served as associate pastor from 1972 to 1975.

Kiesle was ultimately stripped of his priestly powers on Feb. 13, 1987, though the documents do not indicate how or why. They also don't say what role — if any — Ratzinger had in the decision.

Now, here is where I challenge you to defend the acts, or lack thereof, of your sitting Pope...

Kiesle, who married after leaving the priesthood, was arrested and charged in 2002 with 13 counts of child molestation from the 1970s. All but two were thrown out after the U.S. Supreme Court struck down as unconstitutional a California law extending the statute of limitations.

He pleaded no contest in 2004 to a felony for molesting a young girl in his Truckee home in 1995 and was sentenced to six years in state prison.

Kiesle, now 63 and a registered sex offender, lives in a Walnut Creek gated community, according to his address listed on the Megan's Law sex registry. An AP reporter was turned away when attempting to reach him for comment.

More than a half-dozen victims reached a settlement in 2005 with the Oakland diocese alleging Kiesle had molested them as young children.

"He admitted molesting many children and bragged that he was the Pied Piper and said he tried to molest every child that sat on his lap," said Lewis VanBlois, an attorney for six Kiesle victims who interviewed the former priest in prison. "When asked how many children he had molested over the years, he said 'tons.'"

And now...the dance of denial from the cult of the holier than thou....

Documents obtained by the AP last week revealed similar instances of Vatican stalling in cases involving two Arizona clergy.

In one case, the future pope took over the abuse case of the Rev. Michael Teta of Tucson, Ariz., then let it languish at the Vatican for years despite repeated pleas from the bishop for the man to be removed from the priesthood.

In the second, the bishop called Msgr. Robert Trupia a "major risk factor" in a letter to Ratzinger. There is no indication in those files that Ratzinger responded.

The Vatican has called the accusations "absolutely groundless" and said the facts were being misrepresented.

I beg to differ, I think that Fr. Kiesle provides the "ground". These are FACTS, people, not rumors or unsubstantiated claims. They are FACTS. How many priests like Fr. Kiesel have to be unearthed before you aknowledge that the organization that you so lovingly support has betrayed you? What will it take for you to step back and realize that in order to keep your faith as the pillar of morality (cough cough) you MUST demand erradication of molesters and rapists within your church?

As long as you continue to view this as an "us against them" dynamic, you are actually placing your church under much worse fire than if you demand that they do the right thing, and bad PR be damned. The Catholic church must make a stand and show that this behavior will not be tolerated, and they may just gain the respect of outsiders like myself. They must send a clear and concise message that their churches are no place for deviants to lurk, prey and find sanctuary. Unfortunately for you, their dutiful minions, they refuse to do so. So, I suppose that you will go down with the ship. What a sad place it must be to live inside your minds. I cannot imagine the ability to rationalize away the betrayal in these circumstances.

There have been countless jokes and parodies made in reference to the "child molesting Catholic priests". It is a sad reflection of our culture, in my opinion.

"I read this in the paper this morning: New York City has a priest shortage. So you see, there is some good news in the world. ... To give you an idea how bad it is, earlier today in Brooklyn an alter boy had to grope himself." —David Letterman

"As you've probably heard, the Pope has asked all the Cardinals to return to Rome. You know how they got them all to come back? They told them that there was going to be a performance by the Vienna Boys Choir." —Jay Leno

"The Supreme Court ruled today that virtual child pornography is legal. Finally, some good news for the church." —Jay Leno

"Kids, if you see an ad that says Cardinals looking for a bat boy, watch out, that has nothing to do with the baseball team." —Jay Leno

A priest and a lawyer are walking down the street and see a small boy eating an ice cream. The priest says, "How'd you like to fuck that?" To which the lawyer replied, "Out of what?"

Do you want the jokes to stop? I know that I do, and I don't share your faith. Here's an idea, instead of supporting and defending them, demand a thorough housecleaning, starting with the golden palace. If your church is what you claim it is, it will survive and be renewed. If not, then there is always Jonestown, Heaven's gate, Waco, Branch Dividians, The Solar Temple, or any other Kool-aid drinking, child molesting cult.

Just imagine if Jim Jones had accumulated the power of The Vatican.

One final quote for you...

“Subtlety may deceive you; integrity never will.” Oliver Goldsmith

I guess Ol' Jimmy Jones just lacked the necessary subtlety....